In Orne, Denise becomes a great-great-grandmother for the first time

In Orne, Denise becomes a great-great-grandmother for the first time
In Orne, Denise becomes a great-great-grandmother for the first time


Romain Michel

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 7:42 p.m.

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“I was born in the ditch, just opposite, going up the hill. » At 99 years old, Denise retains all her memory and remembers precisely the date: April 1, 1925, ” April Fools. »

Born Desert, the 99-year-old Athisienne has just experienced a great first, since May 29: she is great-great-grandmother.

A fifth generation made concrete after the birth of Nino Dreux, the youngest of the family.

The family book

After its incredible birth, “without fanfare, we gave birth at home”, the woman lived her entire life in Athis-de-l’Orne (Orne). On December 11, 1946, she gave birth to Jacqueline, née Théot, the first of her eight children (6 girls and 2 boys).

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The family history continues with Delphine, born Chochon, on April 25, 1970. She is also the eldest of her two brothers and sisters. ” It is the first time that I am a grandmother,” says the one who is a childminder in Flers.

His son, Dylan Dreux was born on November 25, 1996 and in turn became a parent with the birth of Nino.

Family life around Athis

The baby is growing a few meters away from the birthplace of his great-great-grandmother. All generations have remained concentrated within a restricted area. A destiny made possible by Dylan’s return to the farm, “we never thought that the grandson would come back here,” explains Jacqueline.

In fact, the great-grandmother went to La Carneille to work on a farm, before her daughter cut ties with the agricultural world.

It’s Dylan who brings back the profession of farmer in the family. “I always liked it. Mom looked after the children of the farmers in Athis, so I came to the farm with them,” the person recalls.

Memories in photo albums

The five generations have insisted on immortalize the moment. “I’m experienced,” exclaims Denise, who has 19 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren and therefore one great-great-grandchild.

That’s life, we have to accept what comes to us.

Denise, great-great-grandmother

The family loves looking at photo albums to bring back memories memories and anecdotes. “I dove back into it to see who Nino looks like,” smiles Laure, the mother.

All these beautiful people have already arranged to meet next year to celebrate Denise’s 100th birthday. “It will take space,” concludes the first person concerned.

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