Legislative elections. Franck Simon RN candidate in the 1st constituency of Manche

Legislative elections. Franck Simon RN candidate in the 1st constituency of Manche
Legislative elections. Franck Simon RN candidate in the 1st constituency of Manche

National Front then National Rally. Franck Simon has been an activist under the colors of Marine Le Pen for ten years. Normand, aged 59, married and father of two children, Franck Simon was a soldier for ten years. “Today, I work in memory tourism, particularly with American tourists. »

Candidate in each departmental and regional election since 2014, this resident of Carentan-les-Marais is running for the third time in the Legislative elections in 1D Channel constituency. “And this time, I intend to oppose Mr. Gosselin two Sundays in a row. »

“Our country on the wrong slope”

To explain his commitment to “convinced patriot”Franck Simon, departmental delegate of the RN since December 2023, evokes “the deterioration of the economy, purchasing power, debt, delinquency, immigration, France’s place in Europe. These findings show that our country is on the wrong track. »

With ten years of activism behind him, the candidate believes that his political training “changed his speech, his approach to things. There is no longer any fear of the electorate. » He wants it as proof “the good welcome from young people and elderly people met in recent weeks in Saint-Lô and elsewhere”.

With his substitute Christelle Petit, a private sector employee living in Torigny-les-Villes, Franck Simon intends to decline “national themes that have local resonance. He quotes purchasing power, insecurity, the feeling of being downgraded in the rural world and agriculture, the medical deserts about which we are asked every day.”



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