In Nîmes, 2000 demonstrators for the New Popular Front

In Nîmes, 2000 demonstrators for the New Popular Front
In Nîmes, 2000 demonstrators for the New Popular Front

On this Saturday morning, the sun sweeps away the rain and clears the sky to make way for the demonstration against the extreme right and for the New Left Front. It is the only solid alternative for unions, associations and progressive forces to prevent Pétain’s heirs from gaining power following the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

The Gard inter-union, which called for demonstrations, is present in large numbers: CFDT, FSU, CGT, UNSA, FO, Solidaires are all united against the extreme right. The flags of France Insoumis and the PCF fly alongside those of the unions and walk with the associations which defend the only viable option: the New Popular Front.

The traditional CGT songs were replaced by a corresponding anthem: “This is the final struggle (…) national peace, will be the human race”. A single slogan chanted by more than 2000 demonstrators: ” Popular Front ! Popular Front ! »

Edouard Gloanec (Sud-Solidaires) launches, in the name of the inter-union: “Immediately, we call on the President of the Republic to be consistent. The National Assembly is dissolved, so reforms must be stopped as there is no longer any democratic control. In particular, the government must immediately abandon its unemployment insurance reform. » The suspended Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has in fact announced the publication of the decree implementing this reform which further restricts the rights of those deprived of employment on July 1.

Pierre Gloanc adds: “Trade union organizations have been warning for years about the social and democratic crisis affecting our country. A politician who turns his back on social issues and who creates downgrading, the abandonment of our industries and our public services, the force against the historic mobilization against pension reform, the absence of prospects for progress and the trivialization of racist theses, constitute the breeding ground on which the extreme right thrives. »

For Cindy Varnier, CFDT Gard general secretary, “Our democracy is in danger. We do not support one party more than another, however, the extreme right does not agree with our values ​​at the CFDT such as living together for example. This is why we are calling today to block the extreme right”.

For Bruno Rivier, departmental secretary of the CGT 30, “Our Republic and our democracy are in danger. We must respond to the social and environmental emergency and listen to the aspirations of workers. »

In Alès, more than a thousand people also demonstrated on Saturday morning to call for mobilization around the candidates of the New Popular Front. “On June 30 and July 7, we can change people’s lives and history” : such is the message sent.



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