Legislative elections 2024. Presidential majority: Mathilde Lair de Gourmont and Philippe Le Grand withdraw

Legislative elections 2024. Presidential majority: Mathilde Lair de Gourmont and Philippe Le Grand withdraw
Legislative elections 2024. Presidential majority: Mathilde Lair de Gourmont and Philippe Le Grand withdraw


Julien Munoz

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 10:49 a.m.

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On the eve of the deadline of submission of applications for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024twists and turns in the presidential majority in the Channel, where six candidates were nominated on the four constituencies of the Channel.

The personal decision of Mathilde Lair de Gourmont

Late, Friday June 14, Mathilde Lair de Gourmont, departmental referent of Renaissance, decided to give up a candidacy in the constituency of Cherbourg. She had been invested in the morning by her party. A few days earlier, Yann Lepetit had received the nomination.

A personal decision, with the desire to come out on top of a complex situation between Renaissance, Modem and Horizons. A decision announced to the party on Friday afternoon.

I decided not to be a candidate. I got involved in political life to defend values ​​and ideas. Faced with the danger represented by the National Rally, we cannot leave divided. At some point, you have to take responsibility. I take them. Politics cannot just be about small wars. In the Cherbourg constituency, I will call on people to vote for the best candidate to block the National Rally.

Mathilde Lair de Gourmont, departmental referent

Everything happened very quickly, perhaps too quickly since the surprise dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron. A national agreement had been found in 2022 for Manche: three constituencies for Renaissance and one (Saint-Lô) for Modem.

A distribution that Horizons, the party of Édouard Philippe, believes no longer corresponds to the reality of the electorates. L’former Prime Minister was in favor of candidates emerging where there were no leavers.

“Horizons, at the local level, behaved badly”

Renaissance and Modem, nationally, took badly to what they considered to be an invitation to standoff. And refused to give anything away.

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To this context, it should be added that the war of succession started for 2027. Emmanuel Macron criticizes Édouard Philippe for preparing the next move. Édouard Philippe notes unpopularity of President of the Republic.

Horizons, at the local level, has performed poorly. I regret. If I had a message to convey to Édouard Philippe, it is that it is not with these old political methods that he will become President of the Republic. For my part, I am going to go back to the campaign, for Stéphane Travert and Bertrand Sorre. These are people who do politics in a benevolent way. They have always helped me a lot. They are good people, who made me want to get involved. And then, I never considered that you had to be elected to do politics.

Mathilde Lair de Gourmont, departmental referent

Philippe Le Grand withdraws, Édouard Philippe cancels his visit

The candidacy of Philippe Le Grand, member of the “Ideas” division of Horizons, comes as a surprise, in a constituency where Modem has invested Cyril Bourdon.

This Saturday morning, he announced his withdrawal. National discussions between Modem and Horizons have been complex in recent hours.

In order to respect the major national balances, I was finally asked to withdraw my candidacy in favor of Modem, which however was unable to find a candidate bearing its colors in the constituency and which therefore parachuted in someone from Cherbourg . I thank all my local friends at Modem for the unwavering support they have shown me through their authorities, with a particular mention for Laurent Pien, straight and courageous as usual.

Philip the Great, Horizons

As a result, Édouard Philippe, who was to come and launch the campaign this Sunday in Saint-Lô, canceled his visit.

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