Loire-Atlantique: the “giant” gate of the Château de Briord required 700 hours of work

Loire-Atlantique: the “giant” gate of the Château de Briord required 700 hours of work
Loire-Atlantique: the “giant” gate of the Château de Briord required 700 hours of work


Laurent Renon

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 7:16 a.m.

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“He’s a giant!” “, proclaims Eric Peters, the owner of Briord castle has Port-saint-Père (Loire-Atlantique)referring to the gate installed at its entrance since May 31.

700 hours of work

Five meters wide, 4.3 meters high, 650 kg each leaf, more than 200 meters of iron bar to bend! In total, this “work” required 700 hours of work from the ironworker from Saint-Mars de Coutais, Thierry Michon.

“I am really happy that Briord is used to highlight this local know-how,” says Eric Peters.

It is the culmination of two years of exceptional work. This portal ennobles this entrance which needed it. »

Eric Peters, the owner of the Château de Briord in Port-saint-Père

6000 hammer blows for 300 volutes

In order to stick most faithfully to the time of construction of the castle (1770), the craftsman took a model from the 18th century honorary grille.e century already present near the moats.

It took more than 6,000 hammer blows to shape the 300 scrolls that make up the metal assembly.

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Everything is excessive, comments the ironworker. We had to modify the bindings, which I ultimately oversized to be sure of myself. The pillars seem to be holding up. I monitor every day to see how the portal is performing. »

Thierry Michon, ironworker

Hidden shapes

Day and even night, Thierry Michon never tires of looking at it. “And he’s here for a very long time!” », Says San Marino. If this achievement is a great showcase for his company, he admits that he will not immediately embark on such an adventure again.

For those who are curious enough to admire this beautiful work, look closely at its shapes and you will perhaps find two elements related to the master of the place.

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