Our candidates for the 2024 legislative elections

Our candidates for the 2024 legislative elections
Our candidates for the 2024 legislative elections

Legislative elections 2024 – report of the Electoral Committee of France Insoumise

As a reminder, the Electoral Committee of France Insoumise is made up of 15 rebellious volunteers. Each of them is responsible for monitoring several departments. Nathalie Oziol and Paul Vannier, co-hosts of the Electoral Battles Space, participate in the work of the Electoral Committee without a deliberative voice.

1) Work in exceptional circumstances

Gathered in the exceptional circumstances born of the dissolution decreed by the presidential monarch Macron, on the evening of his defeat in the European elections, the Electoral Committee of France Insoumise met urgently at the request of the Coordination of Movement Spaces.

For four days – and nights – its 15 volunteers worked hard to inform the rebels, to consult by telephone with the leaders of action groups from as many constituencies as possible concerned by the New Accord. Front Populaire, to inform the constituencies for which the candidacy fell to another partner, to invest our candidates, to prepare the development of their official material. In just a few hours, they accomplished an immense volume of work, usually completed in several weeks or even months.

2) Method and schedule

From June 9, after Emmanuel Macron spoke, an exceptional Coordination of Spaces was convened for Monday June 10 by its coordinator, Manuel Bompard.

The Coordination sent a message to all the members of our action groups, entrusting the Electoral Committee with the responsibility of investing our candidates within the extremely tight deadlines imposed by Macron. She also invited rebels wishing to send feedback to the Electoral Committee to do so via a Popular Action form; 5,549 were completed.

The Electoral Committee’s working method was based on numerous telephone and email feedback from the departments, starting from the working base dating from the 2022 elections and integrating feedback from action groups and changes that have occurred since that date.

3) Our candidates invested for June 30 and July 7, 2024

Thanks to the exceptional mobilization of the rebels, in particular our leaders in the 2022 legislative elections, we managed to constitute an equal number of female/male incumbents in the 230 pairs of candidates who will be presented in the constituencies belonging to France Insoumise in the agreement negotiated with the components of the New Popular Front.

We want to salute all the rebels for their mobilization and extend our special thanks to the hundred or so candidates in the June 2022 legislative elections who will not be re-elected this year to enable union.

A. An agreement on 230 constituencies

The political agreement made by France Insoumise with the components of the New Popular Front allows us to be represented in 230 constituencies.

Thanks to the work of our team of negotiators, we are improving the average rank of rebellious constituencies, we are limiting the number of departments in which we will not have a constituency. The number of departments covered thus increases from 94 to 84 departments after agreement, while we go from 328 to 230 rebellious constituencies between 2022 and 2024.

The agreement finally includes a clause aimed at protecting the candidates of the New Popular Front from possible dissidence.

B. Candidates from the Popular Union

Working to unite the people around a program of rupture, the Electoral Committee of France Insoumise wanted to allow the election of as many new deputies as possible, embodying social, ecological and democratic struggles.



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