the former Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, invested under the banner of the New Popular Front

the former Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, invested under the banner of the New Popular Front
the former Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, invested under the banner of the New Popular Front

The rivers return to their beds. The former Minister of Health and former chief of staff of Elisabeth Borne in Matignon, Aurélien Rousseau, definitively breaks with the macronie. He is invested under the banner of the New Popular Front in the 7e constituency of Yvelines, on the quota of the head of the Socialist Party-Place publique list Raphaël Glucksmann, who confirmed the information to World. In total, 175 constituencies were reserved for the Socialist Party, following the agreement concluded on Thursday June 13 with the other left-wing parties, in view of the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

Mr. Rousseau slammed the door of the government at the end of December 2023 to demonstrate his disagreement with the immigration bill carried by Gérald Darmanin, whose right-wing orientation he contested. “It affects the load-bearing walls. I don’t give left-wing or moral lessons to anyone. I see clinically that it is not possible for me to explain this text”he then justified himself to the World.

Emmanuel Macron, with whom exchanges had been extremely tense at the time of his departure, initially did not want to accept his resignation, fearing that it would open a front within his majority, very shaken by the debates around this law. Until the last moment, the President of the Republic had thought that his Minister of Health would go on December 20, like every Wednesday, to the lounge on the ground floor of the Elysée, where the Council of Ministers was held. ministers.

Also read the story: Article reserved for our subscribers Immigration law: the text adopted, open crisis within the Macron camp

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He had even instructed that the card mentioning Mr. Rousseau’s name be placed, as usual, in its place, on the felted tablecloth. The ace. The inauguration of the ex-minister by the left bloc, violently criticized by Mr. Macron during his press conference on Wednesday, is a new disavowal for the macronie, in difficulty in the first polls.

“Resisting the far right requires dynamics on the left”

Sunday June 9, Jordan Bardella’s list came first in the Yvelines department, with 20% of the votes ahead of Valérie Hayer’s list (18%) and that of Raphaël Glucksmann (14%) and Manon Aubry (12%). . “The extreme right is at the gates of power, we must take responsibility, explains Aurélien Rousseau, joined by The world, justifying his commitment to this campaign, and his return to the fold of the left, by this “ unprecedented situation ». He confirms that he no longer recognizes himself in the ” right turn “ taken by the government of Gabriel Attal, which still wishes to pass the unemployment insurance reform by decree. “Resisting the far right requires dynamics on the left”continues Mr. Rousseau.

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