Emmanuel Macron in Switzerland, demonstrations throughout France… The 4 news you will hear about tomorrow

Emmanuel Macron in Switzerland, demonstrations throughout France… The 4 news you will hear about tomorrow
Emmanuel Macron in Switzerland, demonstrations throughout France… The 4 news you will hear about tomorrow

Emmanuel Macron is going to Switzerland this Saturday, June 15, to Lucerne to attend the Conference on Peace in Ukraine. The President of the Republic will be present until Sunday 16. Around 70 countries have announced their participation.

Also present will be German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the President of the Italian Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, the Spanish Prime Ministers Pedro Sanchez and Canadian Justin Trudeau, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the American Vice-President Kamala Harris. Russia (not invited) and China will not participate in this summit.

2 – Deadline for submitting candidacies for the legislative elections

After Emmanuel Macron’s announcement on Sunday June 9 of the dissolution of the National Assembly, early legislative elections will be organized throughout France. The first round will take place on June 30.

To this end, the submission of applications had to be organized quickly. The deadline to submit a candidacy for the legislative elections is Sunday June 16 at 6 p.m.

3 – Call for demonstrations by unions throughout France

Many unions such as the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires have called for demonstrations this Saturday, June 15 “to support the need for progressive alternatives for the world of work”. The unions are supported in their approach by the Socialist Party, the Ecologists, the PCF and La France insoumise, the parties constituting the “new Popular Front” whose union was sealed this week. The four parties notably called for “ join the processions “.

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Furthermore, several associations and unions have called for demonstrations this same day “against the extreme right”, particularly in Paris early tomorrow afternoon.

4 – “Trooping the Color” military parade in the United Kingdom

King Charles III.

© Wigglesworth Kirsty/PA Photos/ABACA

The English military parade “Trooping the Color” celebrating the birthday of King Charles III will take place this Saturday, June 15. The sovereign, who will celebrate his 76th birthday on November 14, will parade aboard a carriage for this parade. Kate Middleton, suffering from cancer, will be absent for the military ceremony and parade.

Trooping the Color is held annually in London to mark the official birthday of the sovereign of the United Kingdom since the accession of King George IV in 1820.

5 – The Good News of the day

Decathlete Kevin Mayer validated his place for the Paris Olympics, offering France one more chance to win a medal. During the European Championships in Rome this week, the athlete, double Olympic silver medalist, absolutely had to complete an entire decathlon before June 30 and meet the qualifying minimums to participate in the Olympics. It is now done. For Kevin Mayer, this participation is his “dream”.



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