Lake Guerlédan: give your opinion on the Himalayan gateway project

Lake Guerlédan: give your opinion on the Himalayan gateway project
Lake Guerlédan: give your opinion on the Himalayan gateway project


Angélique Goyet

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 4:20 p.m.

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Appointment is given to residents of Lake Guerlédan Tuesday June 25, 2024 for the first public meeting on the new project of Himalayan gatewaythis time between the communes of Guerlédan and Caurel (Côtes d’Armor).

A new footbridge costing 1.5 million euros

The Himalayan gateway project is back on track on the Costa Rican shores of Brittany’s largest lake, Guerlédan. The president of Loudéac Community, Xavier Hamon, announced it during his vows in January 2024; from now on, the date of the first public meeting is stalled.

Appointment is given to residents by Loudéac Community (LCBC) and the municipalities of Guerledan And Caurel THE Tuesday June 25, 2024at 8 p.m. at the Guerlédan-Mûr-de-Bretagne village hall.

Brief. In January 2024, Xavier Hamon had announced an estimated cost of 1.5 million euros. A project which is planned for 2025 and which could accommodate 120,000 tourists per year according to estimates.

In March 2023, its establishment had already been envisaged between these two municipalities, precisely between the departmental leisure center the level of Cornec wood and the Caurel woodbelonging to several owners.

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The first project before caused controversy

This footbridge between Guerlédan and Caurel is the Plan B of Loudéac Community: plan A provided for a footbridge between the Mulberry bank on the Côtes-d’Armor side and the Saint-Aignan bank on the Morbihan side, not far from the EDF Guerlédan dam.

The Himalayan footbridge project is planned between the departmental leisure base, in the Cornec woods in Guerlédan-Mûr-de-Bretagne (opposite) and the Caurel woods (from where the photo is taken). ©Angélique Goyet archives

In addition to LCBC, Pontivy Community supported this project, which divided locally and markedly in Saint-Aignan, in 2022.

A controversial bridge which was the heart of a municipal crisis with early by-electionsfollowed by a referendum residents of Saint-Aignan.

Without forgetting the rebellion of a very active association of opponents during the demonstrations around Lake Guerlédan over the weeks…

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