New World Leader in Uranium Production

New World Leader in Uranium Production
New World Leader in Uranium Production

Morocco, world leader in the production of phosphates, can tackle the production of uranium metal on a large scale, as highlighted by several specialized sources such as the Energy platform.

The alternative that the Moroccan route could represent is a good option for global supply in the face of the crisis affecting supply chains and energy sources, areas plagued by current political instability marked by conflicts armed forces such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine or the one underway in Gaza, which is seriously affecting the Middle East.

Morocco is a good alternative in the face of doubts about the supply of uranium to unstable countries such as Russia, which is waging war in Ukraine, or Niger, which produces 5% of the world’s uranium and which is a country which has recently suffered a coup that installed a military junta in power.

Morocco is therefore presented as an alternative solution to contribute to the development of nuclear resources and water management at a time when uranium metal is very important for global electricity.

Uranium is essential for the nuclear industry, an important source of energy, and Morocco is now seeking to become a major producer of uranium, thanks to its phosphate reserves. Phosphates represent 20% of Morocco’s exports and contribute 5% to its gross domestic product (GDP). The Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP), a public company for the extraction and production of phosphates, controls just over 70% of the world’s phosphate reserves and holds a 31% share of the world market. These figures demonstrate Morocco’s relevance in this area.

It should be remembered that the extraction of uranium from phosphates has already reached a sufficient level of profitability, which has given rise to situations such as the intense relations between France and Morocco with a view to the signing of a agreement for the construction of nuclear power plants in the Moroccan kingdom. Morocco has more than 70% of the world’s phosphate reserves and the International Atomic Energy Agency estimates that more than six million tonnes of uranium could be extracted from these reserves, double the current world reserves.

This makes Morocco a country with high potential on the market for this metallic chemical element.

According to media reports, Morocco is seeking to join the map of producers, thanks to its phosphate reserves, which represent more than 70% of global reserves, as it is a primary source for the production of uranium, among others. other derivatives used in the manufacture of agricultural fertilizers, phosphoric acid and others.

Morocco’s uranium reserves amount to more than six million tons, according to the energy platform, which increases the Kingdom’s chances of joining the list of major producers, coinciding with the strengthening of cooperation with the International Agency atomic energy.

Morocco seeks to position itself on the production map and has drawn inspiration from the experience of the United States and Russia to improve the production of uranium from phosphates, while supporting it through the establishment a nuclear power plant and water treatment facilities.

In this regard, specialized agencies of Morocco collaborated with Rosatom, the Russian state-owned nuclear energy company, which is not targeted by the American and European sanctions imposed on Moscow following the invasion of Ukraine . This collaboration aims to develop nuclear power plants in accordance with the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency.



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