INTERVIEW. “Culture can unite residents,” says Jacques Baijot, mayor of Belaye in the Lot

INTERVIEW. “Culture can unite residents,” says Jacques Baijot, mayor of Belaye in the Lot
INTERVIEW. “Culture can unite residents,” says Jacques Baijot, mayor of Belaye in the Lot

the essential
The day after the European elections, the mayor of Belaye Jacques Baijot, also vice-president in charge of culture at the community of communes of the Lot Valley and the vineyard, received us in his office at the town hall.

What do you think of the results in your municipality?

I think they are satisfactory. First the participation rate: 70% of the 188 voters went to the polls. Another notable exception: it is the only commune in the Lot Valley and the vineyard not to have put the candidate of the National Rally in the lead. The left-wing lists obtained 60% of the votes while Jordan Bardea only came in 4th position.

How do you interpret the rise in discontent?

Certainly, they are justified, particularly in our regions; municipalities in rural areas are neglected by the State. Disappearance of public services, medical desert, progressive disintegration of institutions: each village does what it can with limited resources. The current very difficult economic situation does not help matters.

How can we combat this harmful climate?

I think that it is access to culture that can unite residents; it is necessary to organize necessary moments of meetings. For more than twenty years that I have served as mayor in Belaye, I have strived to create a friendly state of mind and increase opportunities to get together. In addition to the cello festival lasting seven days, we benefit from the artistic entertainment offered each month by the Vivre à Belaye association (theater, recitals, etc.), annual old-fashioned fair of Sainte-Catherine, collection traditional songs.

And then the contribution of the Convent refreshment team is considerable. A meeting place, it offers numerous activities, which are strictly regulated to avoid disturbing local residents. In the same state of mind, the autocross race is maintained in a very punctual manner. Finally, as the activity of the Convent does not begin until 3 p.m., we have planned on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. since the beginning of the month, the presence on the square of a drinks and pancake seller .



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