Prize: at 16, Clara Gérard is the best apprentice in France in the grooming section

Prize: at 16, Clara Gérard is the best apprentice in France in the grooming section
Prize: at 16, Clara Gérard is the best apprentice in France in the grooming section

the essential
Clara Gérard, a student in first class at the Maison Familiale et Rurale de Terrou, won, last weekend, the title of best apprentice in France in the groom-care section. Who is this 16-year-old girl, “prodigy of the horse racing and equestrian industry”?

In the Family and Rural House (MFR) of Terrou, around a hundred young people are trained in agricultural and service professions but also in horse-related professions. Among them is Clara Gérard, the best apprentice in France. Last Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9, this student in the first year of the professional baccalaureate “Horse riding and management” at the MFR in Terrou was crowned best apprentice in France, in the groom-groom section. “This competition was the logical continuation of my professional orientation,” confides the 16-year-old girl. An orientation driven by his love for horses.

Caregiver, a profession of passion

Boots, riding leggings, bombshell… Since the age of four and a half, this young girl with long curly hair has spent her time with horses. “Riding has always been my passion. I wanted to link it to my work,” explains the native of Tarn-et-Garonnaise. From third grade, she left her bags in Terrou, a small village in Lot, where she learned the profession of groom. “My job consists of being in contact with the horse, ensuring its well-being, caring for it…” explains Clara Gérard.

Training that took her to several competitions where she stood out. In 2022, she won the “Équi-Trait Jeunes” challenge at the Salon de l’Agriculture. A first prize list that she completed the following year with a gold medal in the regional competition for the best apprentices in France (MAF). Over the years, she honed her technique until obtaining the ultimate title: that of best apprentice in France. “Since my first participation in the MAF last year, when I did not win the final, my goal was to win,” says Clara Gérard. With great humility, she says she is proud to have won this title. A feeling shared by all members of the MFR.

The MFR of Terrou, proud of its “young prodigy”

Out of more than 300 candidates, Clara Gérard stood out for her hard work. After a failure last year, she presented herself again this year, more determined and focused than ever. And this time, it paid off. “Last year, I saw him crying and it saddened me. This year, I am proud that she won the title and doubly proud to have been able to award it to her,” says Érick Chermette, director of the MFR of Terrou.

“Without this title, young people follow a classic path and they find themselves drowned in the crowd. For Clara, the doors of the biggest stables will be open to her,” continues Érick Chermette. But for the moment, Clara Gérard does not want to project herself that far. Above all, she is preparing to continue part of her journey in an internship near Seville, in Spain.



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