Feminist strike: Call for a major women’s strike in Switzerland

Feminist strike: Call for a major women’s strike in Switzerland
Feminist strike: Call for a major women’s strike in Switzerland
The national feminist demonstration of June 14 will take place again in Bern on Friday. Here, an image taken last year on the Federal Square. (archives)


Women are mobilizing this Friday to assert their rights, during the traditional feminist strike of June 14. Pay equality, minimum wages and decent pensions are at the heart of the demands.

“We are demonstrating for equal pay, treatment and rights for all, and against the attacks to which women and sexual minorities are subject, at work, in private life, in politics and even in culture », Launches the Syna union in a press release. Retirement equality is not forgotten, “because salary inequality has repercussions on pensions”.

Different actions and demonstrations are planned during the day in several cities, such as Plainpalais in Geneva, Riponne in Lausanne or Delémont as well as in German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. The major national demonstration will take place in Bern, with a procession from 6 p.m. and actions on the Federal Square.

The Unia union denounces persistent wage inequalities between the sexes: 44% of women who have completed an apprenticeship earn less than 5,000 francs, it recalls.

Wages in professions where the majority of women work are systematically too low. Consequence: women live with financial worries, are dependent and spend their retirement in poverty due to low pensions. And the outlook is not improving with the reform of old age provision, according to Unia.

A policy of equality

Alliance F Suisse, the largest women’s umbrella association in Switzerland, is calling for a more convincing equality policy: better protection against violence against women and girls, equal pay for equal work and finally better framework conditions. to reconcile professional and family life.

Alliance F points out that in Switzerland, every two weeks, a woman is killed by her husband or ex-husband, her partner, her son, her brother or her father.

Last year, the feminist strike brought together nearly 300,000 people in the streets of the country, according to the Swiss Trade Union Union (USS). The day of June 14 was chosen because it marks the anniversary of the vote which anchored the principle of equality in the Constitution, in 1981.

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