Momo Dieng ignites Senegal with “Saf Na ba nopi”

Momo Dieng ignites Senegal with “Saf Na ba nopi”
Momo Dieng ignites Senegal with “Saf Na ba nopi”

Son of Ndiouga Dieng, a legend of Senegalese music. His brothers and sisters are also singers, testifying to the omnipresence of music in their household. This exceptional family environment allowed Momo to develop a passion for Mbalakh very early on, which he expresses brilliantly today.

Momo Dieng also benefits from the support of the Prince Arts label, managed by Ngoné N’Dour, the sister of Youssou N’Dour, an emblematic figure of Senegalese music. This label, recognized for its role in the emergence of exceptional talents, allowed Momo to find its place on the Senegalese music scene and to shine brightly.

With “Safna Ba Nopi”, Momo Dieng delivers a real mbalakh hit while paying a vibrant tribute to Seck Mbao, the author of the famous title “A rafete a mênê fecc” but also to his father, with nods to a classic “Boul ma miin” with Orchestra Baobab, brought up to date by his big brother Alpha Dieng, thus demonstrating his ability to draw inspiration from the works of great names while adding his personal touch.

The success of “Safna Ba Nopi” since its release is undeniable, it is all the rage on social networks. On the radio and in dance halls, fans can’t stop dancing to this new hit. This phenomenon testifies to the public’s enthusiasm for Momo Dieng and his ability to reach a large audience with his music.

With “Safna Ba Nopi”, Momo Dieng signs one of the hits of the moment in Senegal and he proves that he is capable of perpetuating the family musical heritage while breathing new energy into the Senegalese music scene. Under the leadership of the Prince Arts label, Momo Dieng is obviously preparing to follow in the footsteps of the greatest and leave a lasting mark on the contemporary Senegalese musical landscape.




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