Renewed and committed governance for the Village SDC

Renewed and committed governance for the Village SDC
Renewed and committed governance for the Village SDC

The Village’s Commercial Development Company (SDC) recently announced a renewal of its governance and is enriched with complementary skills and diversified experiences with the arrival of Me Karl Boulanger and Philip Vanden Brande, new recruits designated by the elected members of the board of directors.

“We are delighted to welcome Karl Boulanger and Philip Vanden Brande to the board of directors of the SDC du Village.” said Francis Gaudreault, chairman of the board of directors of the Village Commercial Development Corporation. “Their expertise and experience will enrich our governance and help strengthen our commitment to the members of the Village SDC. We look forward to working with them to continue the development and growth of our organization and our community. »

Mr. Karl Boulanger is a lawyer at Torys sencrl law firm, specializing in civil and commercial litigation, with particular expertise in class actions, product liability and consumer law. Its commitment to sexual and gender diverse (SGBD) communities is deep-rooted, manifesting itself through various avenues.

As a member of the board of directors of several organizations, he actively contributes to the promotion of rights and awareness of current issues affecting these communities. As a guest speaker, Me Baker shares its expertise and sheds light on the debates on these crucial subjects. Additionally, as co-chair of the Alliance on Sexual and Gender Diversity, he plays an essential role in creating social gatherings and raising awareness among the legal community of the challenges faced by litigants identified with DSG . His dedication to promoting equality and justice in these areas is an inspiration to us all.

Philip Vanden Brande is vice-president, partner and executive press officer of the communications agency, media annex. With more than 15 years of experience in the entertainment industry, both local and international, and in Canadian media, he has contributed to the influence and growth of iconic properties, cultural institutions and major events such as such as CJAD 800 AM, CHOM 97.7, Virgin Radio, evenko, Center Bell, Place Bell, OSHEAGA, îLESONIQ, Les FRANCOS de Montréal, the Montreal International Jazz Festival and the Quebec Summer Festival.

Manager recognized among the 30 leaders under 30 who are shaking up the industry according to the 2020 30/30 Infopresse rankings, he actively participates in the influence and recognition of achievements and talent in the French-speaking music industry and English speaker in Canada as a delegate of the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences/JUNO Awards. He has also contributed to the influence of various initiatives and continues to support several causes and organizations such as The Unison Fund, the Canadian Association of Music on Stage (#ForTheLoveOfLIVE campaign), the Summit on sexual violence and harassment in culture at Quebec and the committee Young Leaders of Tourisme Montréal, among others.

“I applaud this new board of directors chaired by Francis Gaudreault. And, on behalf of the SDC team, I would like to welcome Karl Boulanger and Philip Vanden Brande to our organization,” said Gabrielle Rondy, general director of the Village Commercial Development Company. “I am convinced that our collaboration will be the foundation for extraordinary achievements. Together, we will continue to transform challenges into opportunities and ensure an even more promising future for the Village. »

The Board of Directors of the Village SDC (in the same order in the photo above) is therefore now composed of :

Francis Gaudreault (Armada by The Men’s Room) – President of the council

Nicolas Wegel (EAC Construction) – Vice-president

Sébastien Bouillon (National Bank) – Treasurer

Geneviève Duguay (Caisse Desjardins du Quartier-Latin)

Marie-Ève ​​Koué (The burnt seed)

Sandra Picard (District of Ville-Marie, City of Montreal)

Karl Boulanger (Torys sencrl law firm)

Philip Vanden Brande (media annex)

By way of a press release, the Société de développement commercial du Village Montréal said “thanks all the administrators of the last 19 years for their generous voluntary contribution and particularly salutes Bruno Laprade (Égides), outgoing member, for his significant involvement with the SDC.

Remember that the Village’s Commercial Development Corporation (SDC) represents some 255 businesses located on Sainte-Catherine Street East between Berri and Cartier and on Atateken Street between René-Lévesque Boulevard East and Robin Street.



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