Cantal. Trail: what does the 11th edition of UTPMA have in store for you?

Cantal. Trail: what does the 11th edition of UTPMA have in store for you?
Cantal. Trail: what does the 11th edition of UTPMA have in store for you?


Marie Boudon

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 7:06 a.m.

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UTPMA continues to attract trail enthusiasts with its exceptional landscapes and its demanding courses in Cantal. The opening of registrations on December 10, 2024 confirmed this enthusiasm: two main races (112km and 50km) were sold out in a few hours, as was the Jordanne trail. There are still a few places left for the Carraus hikean opportunity for latecomers.

Participation and atmosphere

Approximately 2500 participants are expected, most of them accompanied by their loved ones. The event is an opportunity to discover the region with family or friends, as shown by the support rate of 87% in 2023. “In Aurillac and its surroundings, an investigation showed that the reconomic fallout generated were close to the €530,000 last year,” explained Xavier Ducheix, president of the organizing association TOM 15.

Support and organization

UTPMA benefits from the support of 580 volunteers and 80 partners, including the Region, the Department, CABA, the town of Aurillac, and the Grand Site du Puy Mary. Catering will be provided by Poivre et Sel, l’Arbre à Pain, Mas, le P’tit Goulu, Charrade with regional products offered to participants, such as the treatment balm from Atelier de Margaux.

News and routes

This year, Thiezac will welcome for the first time a refueling point. The routes of 113km and 50km undergo notable changes:

113km: New descent towards Thiézac, crossing the Cère valleygoing up the Roman road between Niervèze and Puy Gros, and changes between Mandailles and Lascelles.

Videos: currently on Actu

50km: A detour via Gliziou to Mandailles.

28km: New passage through Murols, with a relay adjusted to facilitate Cadet participation.

Last presentation meeting of the 11th UTPMA, Thursday June 6, 2024 in Hélitas. ©Marie Boudon

The program

Friday June 14

10 a.m.: Collection of bibs and opening of the Village Trail.

11:30 a.m.: Official opening ceremony.

6 p.m.: Race briefing.

11:58 p.m.: Fireworks before departure of the Ultra Trail (112km) at 12:01 a.m.

Saturday June 15

From 7:25 a.m.: Staggered departures for the various races and hikes.

4 p.m.: Prize giving for the 28km and 50km races.

7 p.m.: Prize giving for the Ultra Trail (112km).

7 p.m. – 3 a.m.: Local meals under the marquee.

Animations for children, bandas, and a pasta party will contribute to the festive atmosphere.

Eco-responsible commitment

UTPMA stands out for its eco-responsible commitment. Waste sorting, the use of dry toilets, and the reduction of the carbon footprint via public transport are concrete actions put in place. THE glasses will be returned to avoid waste. “We are also trying to limit the gauges to preserve the stadium » , underlines Thierry Rouquet, vice-president.

Safety and health

Medical staff volunteer is mobilized during the two days. 11 doctors, 24 nurses, 5 nurse anesthetists, 11 first aiders, 2 ambulance drivers, 15 physiotherapists. “All this would not be possible without two service providers Vitae and Dokever for the medical material and I would like to emphasize that this medical device allows us not to clutter the emergency » explained Claire Rimbault, race director.

Para-sport workshops

Another new feature this year is parasport workshops in Les Carmes, organized by the departmental Olympic committee. All the associations and clubs around Aurillac, which welcome people with disabilities, will provide demonstrations and initiations in basketball, judo, table tennis, football, pétanque and climbing.

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