Legislative elections 2024: Let’s resist! by Jean Lassalle invests a candidate in the Landes

Legislative elections 2024: Let’s resist! by Jean Lassalle invests a candidate in the Landes
Legislative elections 2024: Let’s resist! by Jean Lassalle invests a candidate in the Landes

Gone is the Rural Alliance, it’s back under the Let’s Resist banner! that the former Béarnais deputy Jean Lassalle will nominate candidates for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. In the Landes, a candidate, Christelle Lassort, will represent her colors.

As in 2017 and 2022, Christelle Lassort presents herself in the 3rd district of the departmentwhich extends from the south-east of the Landes to Peyrehorade via Chalosse or Saint-Sever. “When I heard about the dissolution, I immediately called Jean Lassalle to tell him that I was ready to leave”confides Christelle Lassort.

It nevertheless counts approach these elections differently from previous ones : “We are going to talk to the people, because the French vote in the European elections was very much a fed-up vote. If I am running, it is to tell people that there can be French people like them in the National Assembly, and not just people who made the ENA”.



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