This magnificent village in the Lot soon to be on 8 p.m. on TF1


Editorial Cahors

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 5:34 p.m.

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In the BatchTHE village of Cabrerets with its spectacular limestone cliffs a few minutes from Cahorswill be in the spotlight of a future TF1 8 p.m. news in a report in its “20h Evasion” section. There Broadcasting date is not yet specified, but the TF1 teams were filming on June 5, 2024, accompanied by the Causses du Quercy Regional Natural Park.

The spectacular cliffs of Cabrerets

The film crew came to explore the spectacular cliffs of Cabrerets, guided by Quentin Vautrin, curator of the Lot National Nature Reserve of geological interest.

The village of Cabrerets, nestled in the Célé valley, is renowned for its impressive geological formations. These limestone cliffs, sculpted by millennia of erosion, offer a breathtaking landscape and an exceptional window on the geological history of the region. The TF1 report aimed to reveal these hidden treasures to the general public.

TF1 filming in Cabrerets for the 8 p.m. ©PNR Causses du Quercy

The geological specificities of the Lot

Quentin Vautrin, curator and expert in geology, shared his knowledge on the formation of the causse, the digging of the valleys and more broadly on the geological specificities of Lot. As he walked the rugged trails, he recounted the natural processes that shaped this remarkable landscape.

Filming of the 20h e TF1 reporters in Cabrerets. ©PNR Causses du Quercy

» The cliffs of Cabrerets are a real open book on the history of our planet. Each stratum tells a story, each fault a geological anecdote “

In addition to their geological interest, the cliffs of Cabrerets shelter a biodiversity exceptional. Quentin Vautrin highlighted the endemic species that find refuge in these rocky environments.

Videos: currently on Actu

The filming, punctuated by climbs and breathtaking panoramas, was a real adventure for the TF1 team. THE aerial shots carried out with a drone, allowed us to capture the majesty of the cliffs and the English castle.

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