Legislative elections 2024: the former Bac Nord police officer, Sébastien Soulé invested by the RN in Toulon

Legislative elections 2024: the former Bac Nord police officer, Sébastien Soulé invested by the RN in Toulon
Legislative elections 2024: the former Bac Nord police officer, Sébastien Soulé invested by the RN in Toulon

Sébastien Soulé, 46, a professional police officer, therefore has a little over two weeks to convince Toulon voters in a very contrasting constituency. The information leaked in the morning. The National Rally simply indicates that a press conference should take place tomorrow in Toulon.

Joined by France Bleu Provence, the candidate claims their membership in civil society.I have been a police officer for 25 years, so I have been serving citizens for 25 years, and for ten years, as part of my union mandate, I have also been fighting for the defense of my comrades. I am getting involved today because it is a civic commitment. I have seen things deteriorate for 25 years, and every government has told us that they understood. Except nothing changes. I think of these people who get up every morning in working-class neighborhoods, who are subjected to the law of traffickers, I think of these parents who fear for the safety of their child. I think of these elderly people who should be able to go out peacefully without being attacked. This situation is not inevitable. Those who love this country can only want it to move forward. It takes courage, willpower. I am delighted to have this nomination because this is what I intend to bring to our fellow citizens in the face of chaos“.

Not a fatality

There are more emblematic constituencies than others: the first of Toulon is one. It is in fact the only one that the National Rally did not manage to wrest from the right during the previous elections. Yannick Chenevard, running without a label but officially supported by Hubert Falco, then mayor of Toulon, won by only 2000 votes. A short lead to the detriment of Amaury Navarranne, still very active as a municipal councilor in Toulon, and regional councilor. The outgoing candidate represents himself, invested this time by Renaissance.

During the European elections the previous weekend, the National Rally came very far in the lead in the first constituency with 35.16% of the votes cast. Renaissance candidate Valérie Hayer placed in second place with 13.71%. Raphaël Glucksmann rose to third place (10.89%) followed by Marion Maréchal (9.55%), Manon Aubry (8.53%) and François Xavier Bellamy (8.33%).



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