Unions organize demonstrations in Cahors and Figeac in the face of the rise of the far right

Unions organize demonstrations in Cahors and Figeac in the face of the rise of the far right
Unions organize demonstrations in Cahors and Figeac in the face of the rise of the far right


Editorial Cahors

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.

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In front of the rise of the far right to Europeans, with the dissolution of the National Assembly and in this context of social and democratic crisis the inter-union of Lot (CGT FSU CFDT Solidaires et UNSA) met and decided to call for a demonstration on Saturday June 15 at 11 a.m. Cahors And Figeac.

Meetings are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at the town hall for the town of Cahors, and at the same time in the Champollion high school parking lot for Figeac.

The Lot union organizations want to alert

Abstention and the far right reached a record during the European elections on June 9. This trend is at work throughout Europe but France is the country in which far-right lists score the highest.

Trade union organizations have been warning for years about the social and democratic crisis sweeping through our country. They explain in a joint press release: “A politician who turns his back on social issues and who creates downgrading, abandonment of our industries and our public services, the force against the historic mobilization against pension reform, the absence of prospects of progress and the trivialization of racist theses, constitute the breeding ground on which the extreme right thrives.

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By deciding to dissolve the National Assembly and to organize legislative elections in three weeks, after the first departures on vacation and on the eve of the Olympic Games, the President of the Republic takes on a heavy responsibility. »

A democratic and social surge

Trade union organizations are calling for a democratic and social revival to prevent the far right from coming to power. “We know these votes in France as in Europe, they are always unfavorable to workers.”

In the immediate future, trade union organizations are calling on the President of the Republic for consistency. “The National Assembly is dissolved, so reforms must be stopped as there is no longer any democratic control. In particular, the government must immediately abandon its unemployment insurance reform. »

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