Legislative elections 2024. Bolbec, Fécamp… Who are the candidates for the 9th district of Seine-Maritime?


Murielle Bouchard

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 3:32 p.m.

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12 candidates were in the running, as part of the first round of the 2022 legislative elections on the 9th district of Seine-Maritime, including the cantons of Fécamp and Bolbec. For these early legislative elections, candidates have until Sunday, June 16, 6 p.m. to declare themselves. We take stock of those who have already formalized their candidacy.

The 9th constituency brings together the cantons of Bolbec, Criquetot-l’Esneval, Fauville-en Caux, Fécamp, Goderville, Saint-Romain-de-Colbosc, Valmont. The current MP is Stéphanie Kerbarh (elected LREM today in the Libertés et Territoires group. The current MP is Agnès Poussier-Winsback (Horizons).

The candidates for the 9th district

Marie-Agnès Poussier-Winsback : Teacher, 57 years old, she comes from the Republicans, and joined the party of Édouard Philippe Horizons in 2021. She was elected under the banner Ensemble! in 2022, and must then give way to the town hall of Fécamp (where she still sits as municipal councilor) and to the presidency of the Fécamp Caux Littoral agglomeration community in which she officiated between 2014 and 2022. She was also regional advisor and vice-president in charge of tourism.

Marie Agnès Poussier-Winsback is running in the 9th district. (©MB/76actu)

The MP will have as deputy, as in 2022, David Guérin. “I was gone for five years, after thinking about it on Sunday evening, I’m ready. I want to believe that there is still a path between the extreme right and the extreme left which is responsible for the mess in the national assembly. Nothing is simple but I’m used to difficult fights, this one is no exception. I have been in the field for two years, with two watchwords: “meaning and justice.” »

René Pinato (LO): In 2022, it was Jean-Paul Macé who was the Lutte Ouvrière candidate. The revolutionary party wants to oppose the National Rally which is “a party which defends the interests of employers”, indicates Pascal Le Manach, departmental head of the party.

René Pinato, LO candidate. (©Workers’ Struggle)

René Pinato is 80 years old. A Dieppe resident, he has been an LO activist for 50 years. “The situation is such today that I believe we should not stop there. I had things to say so after withdrawing from elections for several years, I decided to run. I am convinced that the world will change when the working class decides to change it. I call on all voters to have this objective. »

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The results of the first round in 2022

At the end of the first round of the legislative elections in 2022 in the 9th constituency, Marie-Agnès Poussier-Winsback and Nicolas Goury obtained more than 12.5% ​​of the votes of registered voters and thus reached the second round.

The results :

Jean-Marc Bled (REC): 2.54%
Victor Balier (LR): 4.68%
Jean-Paul Macé (DXG): 1.55%
Patrick Bucourt (DSV): 1.52%
Marie-Agnès Poussier-Winsback (ENS): 28.37%
Stéphanie Fouani (NUPES): 20.33%
Nicolas Goury (RN): 29.25%
Victor Fournier (DVC): 2.44%
Annabelle Betemps Folain (DVD): 0.42%
Mickaël Baron (DVG): 3.71%
Carole Servais (ECO): 1.83%
Stéphanie Kerbarh (DVC): 3.35%


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