the teenager sentenced to 20 years in prison – Libération

the teenager sentenced to 20 years in prison – Libération
the teenager sentenced to 20 years in prison – Libération

The 5-year-old little girl was found dead in April 2023 in a garbage bag, in the town of Rambervillers.

The 16-year-old teenager tried for the murder of little Rose, 5 years old, in Rambervillers (Vosges) last year, was sentenced this Wednesday June 12 to twenty years of criminal imprisonment, the maximum sentence, in accordance with the requisitions parquet. The young man, whose personality “worrying” can bring him closer, according to an expert, to the serial killer Francis Heaulme, also received 20 years of socio-judicial supervision, again the maximum duration authorized for a minor. At the end of his detention and for twenty years, he will be prohibited from entering into contact with minors, from appearing in the Vosges, and will be required to receive treatment.

When this judgment was announced, the young man had no reaction and responded favorably to the question from the president of the court to find out if he had understood his sentence.

“You are aware that this does not make you your daughter”declared the president to the girl’s family, at the end of the hearing. “Unfortunately, hearing a maximum sentence for a minor is always difficult, but I believe that it is perfectly justified by the seriousness and atrocity of these facts, and by the personality that was described to us and ultimately does not leave no hope of a possible reintegration of the young man”reacted Virginie Barbosa, lawyer for the association La Voix de l’Enfant.

Despite his young age, the 16-year-old defendant was already convicted in March of rape and sexual assault on two boys aged 11 and 12 in a previous case and he is the subject of a rape complaint in another case. Facts all committed in February 2022, a year before Rose’s death.

On Tuesday, a first psychiatrist was interviewed, “one of the only” to have noted the alteration of the young man’s discernment during the events. A point of view to which the lawyers of the civil parties opposed and which was not retained by the prosecution in its requisitions.

“Not the best option to choose”

Possible “dysfunctions” in the follow-up of this minor, placed for a year in a closed educational center in 2022 and then returned to his parents, were also debated, according to Me Barbosa. Moving them from a closed educational center, which is the most restrictive for a minor, directly to a return to their parents, “perhaps this was not the best option to choose”notes Me Collot.

The teenager admitted to having wanted to kill the little girl on April 25, 2023: he had lured her to his mother’s apartment in Rambervillers on the pretext of showing her a kitten. The child’s body was found in a garbage bag, naked, less than an hour after her parents reported her disappearance, in the apartment belonging to the suspect’s mother.

The young man admitted to having killed the little girl and according to Me Collot, he also admitted on Tuesday, “that he would probably have masturbated after committing the murder”, “which would explain why his semen could have been found on Rose’s sweater”. The sexual dimension of his actions “is an important dimension of his personality”believes Me Barbosa.



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