LR-RN alliance: LR elected officials from Côte-d’Or demand the resignation of Éric Ciotti

LR-RN alliance: LR elected officials from Côte-d’Or demand the resignation of Éric Ciotti
LR-RN alliance: LR elected officials from Côte-d’Or demand the resignation of Éric Ciotti


Inès Cussac

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 6:10 p.m.

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Several Republican executives are calling for the resignation of the party president. In Côte-d’Or also, the Departmental Office of Republicans of the department demanded the departure of Eric Ciotti after his call for an alliance between LR and the RN.

In a press release published this Tuesday, June 11, the LR representatives of Côte-d’Or denounced a position “taken without consultation members or departmental officials.” And added: “He turns his back on our values ​​and our political line. »

We call for his immediate resignation from his post as President of the Republicans.

LR Federation in Côte-d’Or

Many oppositions

The text is signed by François-Xavier Dugourd (president of the Côte-d’Or Federation), Guillaume Ruet (departmental secretary), Axel Mouffron and Charle Bourgadel (departmental leaders of Jeunes LR).

Faithful to its convictions, and opposed to any apparatus agreement behind the voters’ backs, the Republican Right has the duty to offer a clear and independent voice between the impotence of the Macronist “at the same time” and the leap into unknown to the RN. This is the work to which the Côte-d’Or Federation will actively contribute

LR Federation in Côte-d’Or

François Sauvadet (president of the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council) also reacted to the comments of the president of the LR. “I condemn with the greatest firmness Eric Ciotti’s alliance with the RN,” he wrote on X. “ I will oppose all candidates who will enter this unnatural coalition,” underlined the member of the UDI.

Several national figures LRs also denounced Éric Ciotti’s position: Gérard Larcher (president of the Senate), Laurent Wauquiez (president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region), Olivier Marleix (president of the LR group in the National Assembly), Bruno Retailleau (president of the LR group in the Senate), etc.

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