The Angers Land Uprisings and the Maine-et-Loire Peasant Confederation demonstrated against the extension of the Océane activity zone


June 11, 2024

The Angers Land Uprisings and the Maine-et-Loire Peasant Confederation organized a cyclo-demo this Saturday, June 8 to protest against the extension of the Océane activity zone.

A cyclo-demo was organized this Saturday June 8 against the extension of the activity zone – DR

Despite the prefecture’s fears, the cyclo-demonstration against the extension of the Océane activity zone in Verrières-en-Anjou took place peacefully. This Saturday, June 8, it was attended by nearly 150 cyclists.

Party of the town hall Saint-Sylvain-of Anjou, the procession wandered to Pellouailles-les-Vignes and s‘East directed then towards Océane zones 1 and 2. “ A stop in front of the Action logistics platform securee by around twenty CRS, allowed demonstrators to express through a minute of “noise” Ltheir dislike For the obsolete economic system that it represents alienating human and non-human living », Explain the organizers.

The demonstrators, who refuse to allow this extension which is to artificialize 125 hectares to see the light of day, then returned to the city center of Angers. Letters of reaction to the project that they had written for the attention of elected officials were submitted to the headquarters of Alter, the project manager.



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