For the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Brive (Corrèze), the celebration will be beautiful… Follow the guide

From May 21 to October 3, the town of Brive (Corrèze) celebrates the 80th anniversary of its liberation. On the program, conferences, shows, popular dance, cinema screenings and exhibitions… Follow the guide.

Until October 3, the town of Brive (Corrèze) is celebrating its eighty years of life in freedom. At the Edmond-Michelet museum, one of its treasures was released for the occasion, the act of surrender providing for the capitulation of the German garrisons of Tulle and Brive. Through this document, the city became the first French city to liberate itself by its own means, which earned it the Croix de Guerre 1939-1945.

To celebrate this important anniversary, the town prepared a myriad of events, the program of which was made public during a press conference at the Edmond-Michelet museum, held on June 6, the day of the commemoration of the Allied landings in Normandy. .

“Being the first city in France to be liberated by its own means is something powerful. For this 80th anniversary of the liberation, we must cultivate memory and continue to bring together links between generations,” insisted the mayor of Brive, Frédéric Soulier.

General Koenig pins the Croix de Guerre with palm of the city of Brive on the cushion worn by the children Taurisson, Faure and Michelet.

1. A historical reconstruction

It’s a journey through time, a dive into the past. The atmosphere of the end of the Second World War will reign in Brive, from August 15 to 17. The “Memory Passers” association will recreate an allied military camp in the Jardins de la Guierle. For the public, it will also be an opportunity to admire vintage vehicles and equipment.

2. Sound and light, Liberation Ball

The festive meetings will begin already June 21during the Fête de la Musique in Brive, Place Charles-De-Gaulle, with the concert of Satin Doll Sister, a female retro vocal group, whose repertoire covers standards from the 30s to the 60s.
Thursday August 15, from 10:15 p.m., fireworks will be set off at the Parc de la Corrèze (behind the Trois Provinces area). This fireworks display will replace that of July 14.
Friday August 16in the evening, the Terres de legendes company will offer Last night before freedoma historical and pyrotechnic sound and light show performed by around thirty actors in a setting that recreates the 1940s (free, subject to availability).
Saturday August 17 at 10 a.m. there will be a concert by the Taboo Coverband group at the Guierle bandstand. At 8 p.m., the culminating moment of the festivities will take place, a popular ball with a meal, on Place de la Collégiale. For this occasion, the town hall and the merchants’ office invite participants to adopt a particular dress code, that of the 1940s.

The presentation of the 80th anniversary festivities took place at the Michelet museum.

3. Conferences to understand

June 18the commemorative ceremonies of General De Gaulle’s Appeal will be punctuated at the Rex at 7:10 p.m. by a screening of the short film Those of the railfollowed by the conference De-Gaulle, nobody’s man by Jean-Luc Barré, author of a monumental biography of the general for which he won the Prix Renaudot essay. This event is organized in partnership with the Corrézienne Society of Members of the Legion of Honor.

Brive, the first town in Corrèze, to be liberated by its own means on August 15, 1944

Among other upcoming conferences, June 29 at 3:30 p.m. at the Labenche Museum, historian François David will discuss “The liberation of Brive: the time of new possibilities”. August 13at the same place, the historian will host another conference: The liberation of Brive, by its own meansbefore presenting insight into the act of surrender and the circumstances of its signature, August 15th at 3 p.m. on the square of the same name.

4. Exhibition and screenings

From June 18 to September 21the exhibition Liberation is displayed will be visible around the Saint-Martin collegiate church.
From July 10 to 23, the Rex cinema, will offer a cycle of films, The Liberation, The Resistance, seen through cinema.

“For the next ten to be celebrated in 2034, the faces will perhaps change, but the story will remain” concluded Frédéric Soulier.

Flame of the nation in Brive. The ceremonies of August 15 will be marked by the presence of the Flame of the Nation, which has been watching, since 1923, day and night over the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, under the Arc de Triomphe.

Dragan Perovic



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