Allegations of nepotism at Toronto police: Senior officer denies interference

In Toronto, a police inspector accused of intervening in an investigation into her nephew categorically denied the facts with which she is accused during her testimony before an administrative tribunal. Detective Joyce Schertzer has pleaded not guilty to charges of dishonorable conduct, insubordination and dereliction of duty.

This is the first time that Inspector Schertzer has given her version of the facts since the start of her hearing a week ago before a police disciplinary tribunal.

I have never shown insubordination in this mattershe told her lawyer during her interrogation.

The Toronto Police Service accuses the senior officer of interfering in a police investigation into an accident that his nephew Calvin had on 1er May 2022, leaving the Boulevard sports club on the Lakeshore.

Inspector Schertzer was informed of the collision by her own daughter, who is also a Toronto police officer.


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Detective Joyce Schertzer, who is the first to arrive at the scene of the accident, explains to Officer Doherty what her nephew told her. She wears a sling on her arm due to recent shoulder surgery.


The lawsuit claims that the inspector arranged for a police officer from her own division to be sent to the scene of the accident.

She also accuses him of having been the first to go to the scene, to speak to her nephew and of having actively participated in the investigation, contrary to the rules on conflicts of interest.

A defensive inspector

There cannot have been a conflict of interest, since I went there as an aunt and not as a police officer, and I was not in uniform.she continues on the witness stand.

She admits to having arrived first on the scene, but adds that her nephew was not drunk and that he was sent home by the officer who was investigating.

Calvin didn’t smell of alcohol at all and he didn’t have any speech difficulties.she declares.


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Inspector Joyce Scherttzer’s nephew, Calvin, when he returns to the scene of the accident three hours after the incident. A publication ban prevents us from showing his face.


The inspector added that she was concerned because the force of the impact caused the air bags in her nephew’s truck to deploy.

Calvin was shaken, but Officer Doherty saw no injuries when he examined the torsoshe says.

She specifies that she knew her nephew’s medical history, the nature of which she did not reveal, other than to say that he has communication problems.

>>Interview on the side of a highway between Agent Clarke and the inspector's nephew, Calvin.>>

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Officer Clarke interviews Detective Joyce Schertzer’s nephew three hours after the accident on May 1, 2022, when Calvin returned to the scene.


Inspector Schertzer further emphasizes that she was unaware that the accident site was not within the territory of her police station.

It turns out that the damage to the power pole forced the police to call the traffic department to issue a report.

It was this department that asked Inspector Schertzer to recall her nephew for investigation. I myself would have facilitated his return to the scene if I had had doubts about his state of sobrietyshe says.

Recording of investigators

The prosecution had played, earlier in the day, the audio recording of the inspector’s interview before the Office of Professional Quality Standards of her department, which had filed charges of professional misconduct.

We hear Inspector Schertzer assure Bureau investigators that her nephew had not drunk alcohol that day. He only drinks ginger aleshe says.

>>Calvin's white van stopped off Club Boulevard on the Lakeshore.>>

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The white van at the stop is that of Calvin, the nephew of Inspector Joyce Schertzer. The collision will occur in a few seconds.


Inspector Schertzer states that she had no intention of hiding behind Officer Doherty’s patrol car that her unit had brought to the scene, when she saw that his body camera was filming their conversation .

She maintains that she did not ask him to turn off the camera, but that he turned it off to go examine the scene of the collision.

There is no conspiracy and his camera was only off for a short timeshe said, repeating that she had no intention of hiding anything.

>>A white van in a power pole.>>

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Calvin, driving the white van, has just hit an electrical pole.


She claims she immediately went to the scene because she was worried about her nephew. She wanted to send him to the hospital to be examined.

911, because he is an introvert, he is not very sociable”,”text”:”Calvin did not call 911, because he is an introvert, he is not very sociable” }}”>Calvin didn’t call 911, because he’s an introvert, he’s not very sociableshe explains.

She adds that Calvin was sent home, but that Officer Doherty made her understand that he could be called back to the scene of the accident to take a breathalyzer test.

The investigation was over and I didn’t participate at all, Doherty was in controlshe specifies.

The disciplinary hearing has already shown that Officer Doherty discharged Calvin because he had not committed no criminal act.

Calvin did return to the scene, but three hours later, so it was too late to administer a breathalyzer to the extent permitted by law.

>>A Hydro Toronto employee inspects a utility pole.>>

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A Hydro Toronto employee is inspecting the electrical pole that a white van has just hit on the Lakeshore.


Inspector Schertzer emphasizes that his nephew’s explanations were full of common sensethat the accident had nothing to do with alcohol, but that turning left at this intersection is a dangerous maneuver.

Inspector Schertzer is heard defending herself in the audio recording by clarifying that she is not angry, but passionate.

I never sought to influence the course of the investigation, there is no privilege in my unitshe said, adding that she is known in her department for her transparency.

The Bureau investigator who questions him asks him if Agent Doherty had not instead wanted to please him by not filing any charges against his nephew. You just have to ask himshe replied.

Prosecuting attorney Scott Hutchison is expected to cross-examine Detective Schertzer on Tuesday.



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