The sky is white in Laval (Mayenne). Sometimes a little gray, with morning fog enveloping the treetops and this with a rather mild temperature. This weather forecast has been in place since October 30, 2024, which is exactly 7 days without seeing the sun. This Wednesday, November 6, shortly before 2 p.m., we, for a time, believed in a return of the day star. But he remained veiled and then hid again.
Read also: In February 2024, there were only around 45 hours of sunshine in Laval
Laurent Belsoeur, consulting meteorologist at Météo France, explains: This is due to anticyclonic conditions.
Because yes, an anticyclone can cause good weather when it arrives, if the sky is clear. But the grayness was already very present and she is now like a prisoner.
A lack of sunshine “unprecedented since 2011”
High pressures blocked moisture on the ground
continues Laurent Belsoeur. According to Météo France, the sun could reappear on Friday, at the end of the day, encouraged by a south-eastern sector. The high pressures will then move away.
Gaël Guihot, who feeds the Météo Mayenne page on social networks in addition to his site, notes: Sunshine measurements in Laval have been carried out since 2011
. He adds: 6 days without sunshine, that hasn't been seen since October 2019. Seven days, we haven't had that since January 2013. 8 days, that would be unprecedented since 2011
If, as the forecast indicates, the sun returns on Friday, we will be 9 days without sun. And the incursion should be short-lived since the return of gray weather is expected for Saturday.