The Courrier du Sud | Unicel Architectural and Moderco stand out at the CCIRS Excellence Awards

Unicel Architectural, based in Longueuil, won two awards, including the prestigious title of Business of the Year, at the 40th Excellence Awards Gala of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the South Shore (CCIRS), on May 30 in Boucherville. Moderco, from the arr. de Saint-Hubert, won three prizes, including that of Public Favorite.

Unicel Architectural creates patented building products in glass, wood and aluminum. Moderco specializes in the design and production of movable partitions.

“In this 40th edition of the South Shore Excellence Awards, we are proud to celebrate 40 years of excellence, passion and commitment to the economic development of our region,” said Isabelle Foisy.
President of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the South Shore. This prestigious competition offers us every year the opportunity to highlight the dynamism of our business community and to pay tribute to the creativity and leadership of our entrepreneurs.”

The “Coup de cœur du CA”, a novelty created to recognize the exceptional contribution of an emblematic personality of the region, was awarded to Jean-Marie Girard for his commitment within the South Shore community, particularly in as president and founder of the Grande Guignolée of the South Shore media.

Asphalte Diffusion was the creator of the atmosphere during the gala, hosted by Pierre-Yves Lord. DJ PY hosted the first after-gala party.

The laureats

The winners of the 19 Excellence Awards (Photo: Courtesy – Studios Machiavel)

Manufacturing or distribution company of $10 million or more
Unicel Architectural

New business


Sustainable development


Innovation and technologies

Business succession and transfer

Chevalier Séguin Group

Service company with 20 or more employees

Contractors and construction trades

The Jenaco Group

Manufacturing or distribution company of less than $10 million

Social economy enterprise

Retail business
M/2 Shops

Service business with fewer than 20 employees
MBM Extermination

Mary Claire Mac Leod
Executive Director, L’Entraide Chez Nous

Business of the year
Unicel Architectural

Diversity and inclusion

Public favorite

CA’s favorite
Jean-Marie Girard

Recipient of the Youth Wing Scholarship

Recipient of the Godfather or Godmother of the Year Award

Pier-Alexandre Viel, Director, Major Accounts, BDC



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