among the territories with the highest rate of recorded victims

among the territories with the highest rate of recorded victims
Reunion among the territories with the highest rate of recorded victims

This Wednesday, the Ministry of the Interior published the figures for domestic violence committed in in 2023. 271,000 victims were recorded. A figure up 10% compared to last year. Island is one of the territories with the highest rate of recorded victims.

It’s a place that Reunion would have done well without. According to figures communicated by the Ministry of the Interior on domestic violence committed in 2023, the island is the second territory with the highest rate of victims recorded with 14.6 victims per 1,000 inhabitants. Like last year, it therefore remains at the top of the ranking, just behind Pas-de- (15.2) and in front of the North (14.5).

Number of women aged 15 to 64 victims of domestic violence per 1000 inhabitants in 2023 by department.

©Ministry of the Interior

As the ministry's press release specifies, the vast majority of victims remain women: “Two thirds of domestic violence consists of physical violence, the vast majority of victims are women (85%) while the accused are most often men (86%).

Even if they are not in the first positions in the ranking, the other overseas territories also stand out with high rates of domestic violence. Guyana, which was one of the poor performers last year, saw its figures decline slightly, but they still remain significant with a rate of 13.1 victims per 1,000 inhabitants. Guadeloupe and are not very far away, with respective rates of 12 and 12.08. Note that in Mayotte, the rate of recorded victims is the lowest for Overseas Territories, with 6.7, but also nationally.

These figures, because they concern victims known to state services, only give an overview of domestic violence. Certainly the Ministry of the Interior notes that speech is becoming freer – the number of victims recorded has doubled since 2016 – but according to the Experienced and Felt in Security (VRS) survey, “only 14% of victims filed a complaint with the security services for the acts they suffered in 2022”.




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