flooded roads and homes hit by lightning

flooded roads and homes hit by lightning
flooded roads and homes hit by lightning

The first is located in the commune of Hagetmau. Shortly after 10 p.m., lightning struck the roof of a home, causing damage to the cellar and a fire. No injuries but the resident was relocated by his family for the night. Another love at first sight, at the same time, near Biarrotte. A house was also the victim of lightning and damage was caused to the roof and electrical level. There too, a fire was noted. No rehousing was necessary in this case.

» European elections: find all the results in the Landes

In total, around thirty firefighters were mobilized for these two events.

Closed axes

Heavy amounts of rain have also been recorded, already causing the closure of several roads. This is the case in the Saint-Sever sector (RD11, RD449, RD358, RD424, RD433, RD101, RD399, DR346 and DR 944 in Eyres-Moncube) and Soustons (RD123).

Other roads are under surveillance, particularly on the Saint-Sever side: RD2 (mud on the road), RD 56, RD 118 RD 58 and RD 424.

Orange vigilance

The situation could become even more complicated during the day because the Landes department, this Sunday, June 9, is on yellow alert for storms and rain-floods. The level will even go orange between 3 and 9 p.m. for these two factors.



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