RC Lens will hit the jackpot!

RC Lens will hit the jackpot!
RC Lens will hit the jackpot!

After indicating that RC Lens wanted to sell for 100 million euros this summer, rumors are rife. But for the Kevin Danso case, the Sang et Or can be resolutely optimistic about selling their defender well.

Supporters feared a profound summer change; it was a real earthquake that struck the North. The mentor and coach, Franck Haise, took over the management of OGC Nice. Arnaud Pouille, general director and another essential cog in the Lens project, has also made his upcoming departure official. At the same time, management has spoken of its intention to sell massively this summer to try to recover 100 million euros and balance the club’s accounts. No one, until two months ago, could have predicted such a change…

Danso, the headliner

At the head of the “100 million euros” operation, we find defender Kévin Danso. The Austrian has an exit voucher to allow him to join a larger project. And according to L’Equipe, Danso has a release clause of 35 million euros. Calm, RC Lens is certain to hit the jackpot for its defensive colossus because the competition is tough in the file.

Wow, the surprise

In attack, the big issue concerns Elye Wahi. Bought for 30 million euros a year ago, the French striker is already on his way out. The transplant is not taking place and the Lensois leaders have already indicated that they are sellers. Here again, Racing should receive a lot of money. Recovering the 30 million euros would already be a good point. To surpass them would be an achievement.



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