Weather report. What is the weather like this Sunday June 9 in Hauts-de-France?

Weather report. What is the weather like this Sunday June 9 in Hauts-de-France?
Weather report. What is the weather like this Sunday June 9 in Hauts-de-France?

Finally a sunny Sunday throughout the day! We dreamed of it, we have it today! The sun remains by our side and we must take advantage of it. The only thing to manage is the morning gray in certain places.

You live in the south and east of the Nord departments, Pas-de-Calais, more generally, in Picardy, perhaps you will not have a big blue sky to start the day. Indeed, low clouds, mists or even locally fogs undoubtedly formed at the end of the night. Fortunately, this morning gray will quickly give way to a clear and sunny sky like in the north of the region. This morning, the wind from the north-northwest is weak.


After the grayness has dissipated, place in the sun

© France Télévisions

In the afternoon, the wind becomes more noticeable on the coast (gusts of 40 to 50 km/h). The sky over Hauts-de-France remains clear and not very cloudy until the end of the day. In the evening and first part of the following night, patches of low, sometimes dense clouds (a few drops possible) will circulate over the northwest. They announce the deterioration which will concern us on Monday.


Under the Hauts-de-France sun

© France Télévisions

The minimums are cool for the period. Météo France announces temperatures between 8 and 11°C in the interior, count on 11 and 12°C on the coast.


Not really in season our minimums

© France Télévisions

The maximums will have difficulty climbing on the coast, the proof with only 15°C in Boulonnais while from Calais to Dunkirk it is 18 and 19°C. In the interior, thanks to the fact that the cold air present at altitude is found a little further north today, we are expecting pleasant values : 19 to 22°C.


It’s always hotter in the south

© France Télévisions

Monday : Return of a disturbed time. During the night the sky will become filled with clouds and the associated rains (weak and continuous) will arrive from the west, then reaching the entire region. They seem to leave us in the afternoon, letting a trailing sky return from the northwest. This weakened disturbance is accompanied by a noticeable west to northwest wind which will weaken when the degradation has left us. Morning temperatures of 11 to 14°C, the maximums will be lower, far from being summery with a range of 13 to 17°C. Indeed, during the day, the cold air will fall over the region !

Tuesday : If the flow remains well established in the northwest, we should be relatively well protected. In other words, we will certainly be under a trailing sky, but it will not be very active and will offer us nice clearings. There will still be a few showers, which could become stormy at the end of the day, this remains to be clarified. Minimums of 8 to 12°C, maximums of 15 to 18°C.

Wednesday : It seems that we will maintain the same type of weather, the situation hardly changing, however the showers will certainly be more present. The still cool air mass will cause temperatures to drop.


A cooler and sometimes humid week

© France Télévisions

ATMO Hauts-de-France informs us that the air quality will remain average in the region today. Ozone is once again the majority pollutant


Air quality remains green

© France Télévisions

Today, we celebrate the Diane, Diana, but also the Félicien.

It’s your birthday today ? Happy birthday ! Here are some personalities born on June 9, like you :

1930 : Birth of the singer Barbara. She was one of the souls of French song. She notably offered her audience the most beautiful love song ever written. : My most beautiful love story is you.

1963 : 61 years old today for Johnny Depp the American actor.

1978 : You know the group Muse ? Its tenor-voiced leader celebrates his 46th birthday this Sunday, Matthew Bellamy.

A last one for the road, in 1981 was born the one we saw playing in Léon for his first role at the age of 14, in Black Swan, May December, you guessed it ? This is Nathalie Portman who is 43 years old.

Very happy Sunday everyone and note that tomorrow we will celebrate Landry (very rare this first name! Only 16 births in France in 2022!).


161st day of the year

© France Télévisions



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