Electoral invitation lost or never received: will it still be possible to vote on June 9, 2024 in Belgium?

Electoral invitation lost or never received: will it still be possible to vote on June 9, 2024 in Belgium?
Electoral invitation lost or never received: will it still be possible to vote on June 9, 2024 in Belgium?

In Belgium, the electoral process ensures that, even if you have lost or never received your electoral summons, you still have the opportunity to vote in the elections. On June 9, 2024, election day, you must therefore go to a polling station with an official ID document to prove your identity. If you do not know where your assigned polling station is, you can contact your municipality to obtain the necessary information.

Proxy voting as an alternative

In case you are not able to physically show up at the polling station on election day, there is an alternative option: voting by proxy. This system allows a trusted person, designated by you, to vote on your behalf.

Instructions for elections: in which cases will Belgians be able to vote by proxy on Sunday June 9, 2024?

This proxy voting procedure requires the presentation of an identity document of the person designated as your proxy. So make sure the person you choose is able to go to your polling station on election day.

In summary, although the electoral summons is an important document in the voting process, its loss or non-receipt should not prevent you from exercising your right to vote in Belgium. Alternative solutions such as voting with ID or proxy voting are available to guarantee every citizen their participation in the democratic process.



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