heavy rain, hail… this is what to expect this weekend

heavy rain, hail… this is what to expect this weekend
heavy rain, hail… this is what to expect this weekend

A stormy depression will cross Hérault from Sunday morning. A brief weather episode with possible hail. But the precipitation should be light. We explain to you why summer isn’t here just yet.

If the heaviest precipitation will affect the southwest from next night, the rain will not spare the Hérault department. It should be hit by storms from Sunday morning. A depression which will arrive from the north and which will sweep across the entire territory before evacuating in the evening, according to Predict, the Montpellier subsidiary of Météo France specializing in the prevention and management of climatic episodes.

Rainfall accumulations should not be significant and storms should be brief, with low electrical activity. However, hail cannot be ruled out. The fault is the anticyclone which, usually at this time of year, rises from the south to offer us milder days.

But this spring, this anticylone remains blocked over Spain, which allows cooler air to come down from England, generating cold drops on a regular basis. In a message posted on the social networkthe sun is largely absent during these 3 months, with a sunshine deficit close to 20%” throughout the country.

And this instability is expected to persist at least until June 18. We will have understood: summer is not about to set in. We will still have to wait.



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