passed through Morbihan, he reached Gibraltar by paddle from… Norway

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Reaching Gibraltar (British territory in Spain) from Norway by paddle is the crazy challenge taken by Jonas Böhlmark, a young Swede who is not his first attempt at adventure. But apart from the sporting achievement, he especially wants to send messages. Thanks to all this adventure, the difficulties he encounters, he feels “simply alive”. It passed through the port of Kernevél (Morbihan).

Jonas Böhlmark, this young Swedish adventurer, stopped off at the Kernével marina as part of his solo paddleboarding journey between Narvik (Norway) and Gibraltar (British territory in Spain). | WEST FRANCE


  • Jonas Böhlmark, this young Swedish adventurer, stopped off at the Kernével marina as part of his solo paddleboarding journey between Narvik (Norway) and Gibraltar (British territory in Spain). | WEST FRANCE

His name is Jonas Böhlmark and he describes himself as a free spirit . Two years ago, he decided with a friend to reach the North Pole by running before descending the Lyngen Fjord by paddle, more than 500 km.

At the end of this first adventure, his friend returns home, but Jonas Böhlmark decides to continue the journey.

Read also: Having left Norway and passing through , this Swede plans to reach Gibraltar… by paddle!

An extraordinary journey

He first traveled across Finland, completing a marathon per day for 25 days. Then, at…



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