here Bellegarde (30127): continuous news and information from your city

here Bellegarde (30127): continuous news and information from your city
here Bellegarde (30127): continuous news and information from your city

The town: Bellegarde

What are the characteristics of the inhabitants of Bellegarde?

The territory of Bellegarde is 45.11 km². In 2018, the number of inhabitants of the city was estimated at 7,273, thus the locality recorded a density of 161.2 inhabitants per square kilometer. In the department, this town was therefore in 79th place in terms of population density.

Discover some practical information about accommodation in Bellegarde

With approximately 7,300 inhabitants and nearly 3,300 housing units spread over 45.11 km², Bellegarde has a population density of 161.2 inhabitants/km² and a housing density of 0.7 log/ha. The housing density is identical to the departmental average while the population density is higher (0.7 log/ha and 126.9 inhabitants/km²).

Discover some practical information on the distribution of housing in the municipality

There are currently a greater share of owners than tenants at the municipal level. Around 33.8% of main residences are occupied by tenants (including 3.1% free of charge) while 66.2% are occupied by owners. Among all dwellings in the locality, 8.3% are vacant dwellings, 1.8% are secondary residences and 89.9% are primary residences. Furthermore, social housing represents 5.2% of the latter. Most households settled in Bellegarde between 10 and 19 years ago.

Some figures to know about the distribution of rooms in city housing

The vast majority of housing in the locality is houses (81.8%). These are essentially 4-room family houses (38% of the total number of houses) with a surface area generally between 80 and 100 m². There are also many houses with 5 rooms (24%). They were mainly built between 1991 and 2005. Less numerous (546), the apartments are mainly composed of 3 rooms. Their average surface area is most often between 60 and 80 m². Apartments in the city were mainly built between 2006 and 2015.

Discover some numerical information about Bellegarde taxes

Bellegarde lists, in total, 4,054 tax households. Around 54.7% of these are not taxable. This rate is slightly lower than that of the department which is 56%. The median annual income of tax households in the locality amounts to €20,860, or €620 more than that of Gard. The inhabitants of Bellegarde pay on average an income tax of €1,187 per tax household. The latter is therefore lower than that of the department which amounts to €1,325. In addition, 1,366 households report receiving a pension or retirement.

Tax households with a reference tax income below 50,000 euros pay nearly 31.4% of the total amount of income tax for this municipality. Households with an annual income above 100,000 euros contribute 34.2% of the total net tax.

Some figures in detail concerning employment in Bellegarde

In 2018, Bellegarde's activity rate reached 75.24%: there were 3,427 active people out of 4,555 inhabitants aged 15 to 64. This is 3.34 points more than at the national level, where the activity rate was 71.9%.

There were 509 unemployed people among the city's labor force, an unemployment rate of 14.85%. There was then a very strong gap with the statistics for the entire French territory, which recorded an unemployment rate of 9.1%.

Unemployment rate by CSP in Bellegarde

In Bellegarde, in 2018, the highest unemployment rate was observed among workers: 21.76% were unemployed. The share of unemployed among other CSPs reached 20.64% for employees, 8.79% for executives, 7.04% for intermediate professions and 6.6% for traders, craftsmen and business leaders. Among the 104 farmers in the municipality, all were busy.



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