At 13, she became Miss Lot and participated in the Miss Midi-Pyrénées election.

At 13, she became Miss Lot and participated in the Miss Midi-Pyrénées election.
At 13, she became Miss Lot and participated in the Miss Midi-Pyrénées election.

the essential
After winning the Miss Lot elections, Fantine Hebert repeats the experience by competing on June 8 in the Miss Midi-Pyrénées election. Her mother testifies for her.

Aged 13, Fantine Hebert won the departmental election for the Miss Lot competition, in the 13/15 year old category. Little known to the general public, the title of Miss junior department does indeed exist, and this year Fantine seized it: “After applying by sending a presentation video, she won the title of Miss Lot”, rejoices Pauline Bos, the mother of the chosen one. Fantine Hebert now represents the Lot, making Gourdon, her village, but also her mother proud. However, she aspires to greater things.

The Miss Midi-Pyrénées competition

Winning the Miss Lot competition is a gateway to participating in the Miss Midi-Pyrénées competition. This invites all the candidates who emerged victorious from the various Miss Department elections, i.e. 37 girls aged 13 to 15, who will appear in the Miss Regional competition. The event will take place on June 8 in Rougemont, in Doubs, from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The competition is spread out according to very specific instructions.

Initially, a parade will take place, delivering the 37 candidates on stage in turn, followed by a speech that the selected candidates will have prepared. In addition, a question will be asked to assess the level of culture of each, as for Miss France. “Because at that age, we must not believe that it is only beauty that counts, it is above all presentation, culture, educational background and motivations,” the mother hastens to state. Miss Lot.

Fantine Hebert will also have to tell the judges about a subject that is close to her heart. She decided to speak out about a subject that has marked her for a long time, feminicides in France and women’s rights. The five members of the jury will report on the way in which the Misses will parade, their presence, their grace as well as the eloquence they will display during the various events.

“She wants to participate in Miss National”

Miss Lot has been preparing for the competition for five months: “My daughter has already prepared her speech and the way she is going to parade has stressed her out enormously,” worries Pauline Bos. But the schoolgirl registers for a good reason: “She is a reserved, shy young girl, she is doing this competition to find more confidence in herself and to be highlighted,” adds the mother. Together, they leave for Rougemont on Friday, to arrive in time for training on Saturday, before the competition.

If Fantine Hebert wishes to become a judge or a social worker, she is determined to win this regional competition and participate in Miss Nationale.



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