Terrorist threat to a high school in Romainville, Seine-Saint-Denis

Terrorist threat to a high school in Romainville, Seine-Saint-Denis
Terrorist threat to a high school in Romainville, Seine-Saint-Denis
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A new school has been targeted by an attack threat. The Liberté comprehensive high school located in Romainville, in Seine-Saint-Denis, was the target of a threatening message on Monday June 3, reports Le Figaro. A high school in Dunkirk warned the Romainville establishment that an attack could occur on Monday after receiving a threatening message. In particular, it was possible to read: “Allah Akbar Albi is back to blow your face away. I will attack your establishment this Monday, June 3 at 10 a.m., I will be armed and determined to wreak carnage. »

“Tribute to Bin Laden”

The author of the letter claimed to be acting on behalf of the Islamic State. He indicated that he had hacked the ENT account of a Dunkirk high school student to send his threatening message and “claim” his gesture to the Liberté high school. “Strength to my brothers in Syria, you know blood. Let’s not forget this school too, I’m going to smash it like never before”, further warned the individual by mentioning in capital letters the name of the educational establishment. He also wanted to make “tribute to Bin Laden”he concluded.

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The high school principal alerted the management of departmental national education services. She also announced on Monday that a complaint would be filed. Surveillance of entrances and exits to the building has thus been intensified. Officers from the municipal police and the Security and intervention company (CSI) were mobilized.

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In recent months, middle and high schools in Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-France and the Grand Est region have been the target of attack threats. The remarks were generally formulated through digital workspaces (ENT) of students or teachers, which have been hacked.



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