“Setal Sunu Réew”: President Faye’s initiative for a cleaner Senegal | APAnews

“Setal Sunu Réew”: President Faye’s initiative for a cleaner Senegal | APAnews
“Setal Sunu Réew”: President Faye’s initiative for a cleaner Senegal | APAnews

The Senegalese head of state invited his compatriots to clean up their living environment every first Saturday of the month.

“Setal Sunu Réew” is the new initiative by the Senegalese authorities to make the country cleaner. The first edition took place on Saturday June 1 throughout the country.

President Bassirou Diomaye Faye launched the operation in Thiaroye, a suburb of Dakar, accompanied by his family. He stressed the importance of hygiene and cleanliness for the development of Senegal, calling on all citizens to get involved.

The Minister of Urban Planning, Balla Moussa Fofana, welcomed the strong community mobilization and the participation of associations, essential to the success of this day. He also praised the vision of President Faye and the support of Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko.

The minister noted that “Setal Sunu Réew” does not propose new ideas but insists on strong leadership and rigorous organization to sustain these actions. He also shared his experience in Djourbel (center) where he considered solutions to transform problems into opportunities, such as creating green spaces.

The minister assured that this initiative was followed throughout the country and spoke of future challenges, such as flood management, preparation for the agricultural season, and maintenance of schools. This first day launched a promising dynamic, and President Faye invited all Senegalese to actively participate every first Saturday of the month.





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