Auriane dresses the bride, but not only

Auriane dresses the bride, but not only
Auriane dresses the bride, but not only

Creating her small business, making dresses, especially wedding dresses… this is now Auriane Chané’s daily life. Meet a passionate person!

In her small workshop in the prefecture city called Anayade, rolls of fabric, patterns, thread, sewing machines, pairs of scissors, sketches… in short, everything that allows Auriane to create wonders dresses. A universe in which the bubbly thirty-year-old evolves with grace. To say she is in her element would be an understatement! Because dresses, and especially bridal ones, have always fascinated her. It must be said that even if she has only made this her main activity for a few months, she has been practicing in parallel for a long time.

Solid training

A journey that Auriane returns to. “I have a degree in arts and crafts and a BTS in fashion and clothing, with additional training as a pattern maker. In addition, I completed internships in companies, notably with a Parisian designer. wedding dress”, explains the young woman. An experience that was very useful to me, because it allowed me to work on unique subjects and projects, never the same model, and above all to measure the importance of the relational and privileged aspect with management and customers”. Notions that she puts to good use today.

Because the young designer never starts from an existing model. She favors long discussions with those who have chosen to trust her. “The customer is, in a way, co-creator of her own dress. Together we define the shape, fabrics, trimmings and possible accessories,” underlines Auriane. An essential step which allows him to better target expectations and to produce, on paper, the first sketches. Different stages then follow, such as taking measurements, moldings, frames, fittings, adjustments, finishes… All while establishing a


Complete article to be found in our May 31, 2024 edition or on our online store!



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