Jean-Marc Vayssouze-Faure close to the economic fabric and those involved in inclusion – Medialot

New field visit for the senator from Lot.

After visiting the premises of the Soben company, in Fontanes, on April 22, Jean-Marc Vayssouze-Faure, senator from Lot, continues his mobilization with local leaders. This Friday, May 31, 2024, the parliamentarian’s day was punctuated by two new visits, to the Boissor establishment and work support service (ESAT) in Luzech, then to the Ducastel laboratory in Castelfranc. On the Boissor site, the senator was welcomed by President Jean-Louis Bonnet who presented him with the various workshops offered to people with disabilities. After having exchanged with some of the 142 residents of the structure in the workshops (printing, packaging, cash register, woodworking, screen printing and signage), Jean-Marc Vayssouze-Faure had the opportunity to discover the new specialty developed by the ‘ESAT: car cleaning, which is a real success with residents of the area. The elected official wanted to salute the commitment of the teams to serving the people supported. He also underlined the quality of the service provided by this place of life, which has evolved over the years and which is now part of the Luze and departmental landscape. “With committed women and men like the members of the Boissor team, the Lot confirms that it is at the rendezvous of inclusion” declared the parliamentarian at the end of this visit, that he insisted on performing alongside the mayor of the town, Bernard Piaser.

Accompanied by Laurent Bolos, mayor of Castelfranc, the senator then went to the Ducastel Laboratory. With 110 employees and 20 to 30 temporary workers, the company specializes in the manufacturing of professional hair products, hairsprays, styling and care products. Clément Vignaud, manager, Anne Faugère director of the factory, and Gilles Soulié, production director, detailed the strategy of the unit, which works from products made from natural materials and mainly from France and the Union. European. Founded in 1975, bought in 1997 and taken over at the end of 2020, the Lot-based company works with a network of 20,000 hair salons and with numerous pharmacies in France. Development of exports, deployment of renewable energies, research and development: the laboratory is multiplying avenues for development and currently occupies 5th position in its sector in France. “ It’s everyone’s pride territory than being able to count on established, innovative and job-creating economic players, such as this production unit which works with more than 140 distributors installed outside our national borders” specified the former mayor of Cahors on his social networks .

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