56 months in prison for stabbing his 8-month pregnant partner

56 months in prison for stabbing his 8-month pregnant partner
56 months in prison for stabbing his 8-month pregnant partner

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS / He thought that the latter had cast a spell on him.

– Alpes de Haute Provence –

“He accused me of having cast a spell on him but I told him: we are not in Africa”, this is what a young 18-year-old Malian woman, who received two blows, told the Manosquin police knife from her 22-year-old partner according to our colleagues from Dauphiné. The facts date back to March 26. While a young couple was staying with a friend, the young woman was attacked with a knife by her partner as she returned from work. A violent attack which could have had a dramatic outcome if help had delayed since the lobe of the left lung was affected. The psychiatric expert indicates that the defendant acted under the influence of a hallucinatory psychotic moment. He does not identify a pathology but an alteration of discernment. “[Il] took a knife to killdenounces Me Sofia Bara, in fact, he had a feeling that his partner was going to leave him and that she wanted to have an abortion. »
She lost everything that evening: her job, her physical integrity and her faith in the future.», Adds Me Huilen Grotti who underlines the extremely serious injuries caused by the defendant. Still according to our colleagues, the public prosecutor Rémy Avon indicates that “the investigating judge ruled out the intention of homicide“. Which does not prevent the representative of the public prosecutor from describing the facts as “extremely serious”. “We still wonder about the causes of this double attack», asks Rémy Avon, who requires four years of imprisonment, including one year suspended, and a permanent ban on staying on French soil. “If there’s one word that sums this up, it’s confusion.», Defends Me Benjamin Delbourg, lawyer at the Aix-en-Provence bar, who insists on the alteration of discernment. Alteration retained by the court, chaired by Géraldine Frizzi, which goes beyond the requisitions, by sentencing Djegui Kanté to 56 months in prison, accompanied by a definitive ban on French territory.

Anna Vergiat



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