Cancellation, threats, projects… The Saint-Jean fair has its circus

Cancellation, threats, projects… The Saint-Jean fair has its circus
Cancellation, threats, projects… The Saint-Jean fair has its circus

Bad move – The 2024 edition of the traditional Saint-Jean fair in Strasbourg turns into a total fiasco. The fairgrounds refused to settle down, due to lack of space, and have since been having heated discussions with the town hall

Strasbourg fans of rides, see you next year. Or not. The Saint-Jean fair, which was to start on June 26 and last three weeks, was canceled this year… and is not even sure of taking place in 2025.

“We will have more visibility at the beginning of July,” cautiously announces Pierre Ozenne, the town hall deputy in charge of the file. It is he, from the start, who leads the discussions with the fairground workers. Without them being very clear. Far from there.

Location problem

Worse, for months now the subject has been divisive and sometimes comes up in the municipal council. In question, the place where this more than six hundred year old event is to take place. With the historic Wacken site now built, several possibilities have been discussed. Without any reaching a consensus.

The Zénith-Hautepierre area? Refused by the showmen. “The festive esplanade” of the Bouchers-Meinau plain wanted by the municipality? Not ready at all. As a result, the fair was to be held this summer at the Jardin des Deux-Rives. Except that nothing went as planned…

“The Strasbourg city hall sent an email two weeks before to find out whether we were coming or not and many fairground workers were unable to respond,” explains S(…) Read more on 20minutes

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