PHOTOS. In , the thousand-year-old Etouvy fair attracted thousands of visitors


Editorial La Voix Le Bocage

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Oct 28, 2024 at 3:26 p.m.

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Organizers, exhibitors and visitors were unanimous: the 2024 edition was a great successnotably thanks to particularly mild weather. “We had to 7 more people to manage the parking lot,” says Sonja Jambin, who works at the tourist office and is part of the fair commission. “Last year, we recorded 1,569 carsthis year the parking lot was packed, with 2 798 cashed-up cars, confides Jean-Marc Lafosse, deputy mayor of Etouvy since 2014, who was responsible for the placement. Many vehicles were even parked nearby, in La Graverie for example. »

An event prepared since June

The chosen one, at the head of the event since 18 anshad started preparations last June. “Many volunteers and municipal agents came to help us,” gratefully emphasizes Stéphanie Renard, communications manager at Souleuvre-en-Bocage. ” There fair fits to life that changes, from year to year, explains Jean-Marc Lafosse. There are fewer and fewer small exhibitors because they have difficulty selling. » Numerous registrations have been made untilat the last moment, or even the same day.

A surface area of ​​46,000 m²

On a surface of 46 000 m² There were various stands selling all kinds of items: bamboo wipes, sausages, hunting clothing, jewelry, lost packages, treats for dogs and cats, industrial glue…

Local artisans and businesses were there, with huge pitches for motor farming, and the return this year of the John Deere brand. “The Jamotte company occupied nearly 900 m² because the equipment has grown a lot, which requires larger surfaces,” specifies the mayor.

Axel, 5 years old, and Alban, 3 years old, were delighted to get on the tractors. A farmer in Courson, their father interacted with local dealers. ©The Voice Le Bocage
Videos: currently on Actu
Marie Tasteyre, 21, demonstrated Norman cobs. ©The Voice Le Bocage
Guillaume Tabard, from Burcy, with his son Marin, 1 year old.
Guillaume Tabard, from Burcy, with his son Marin, 1 year old. “This is the third time I have come to the Etouvy fair. » ©La Voix Le Bocage
“We play sports together, we came to eat tripe and sausages, we will have something to eliminate next week!” » ©La Voix Le Bocage
Lydie's makeup, offered by the town, really pleased the children.
Lydie's makeup, offered by the town, really pleased the children. ©The Voice Le Bocage
Kelio, 2 and a half years old, from Saint-Martin-des-Besaces, with his aunt Maelyne Pezeril, from Vire, who came to the fair for the first time.
Kelio, 2 and a half years old, from Saint-Martin-des-Besaces, with his aunt Maelyne Pezeril, from Vire, who came to the fair for the first time. ©The Voice Le Bocage
Kelio, Teddy Garcia and Claire-Marie Busnel, president of the Le Pied à l’Étrier association.
Kelio, Teddy Garcia and Claire-Marie Busnel, president of the Le Pied à l’Étrier association. ©The Voice Le Bocage

“Exchange with local dealerships”

While curious people and farmers came to discover the novelties, the children, delighted, climbed on the tractors. “There are trade fairs, but it’s more convivial to meet the suppliers at the fair, it allows us to interact with the concessions locales », Explains a farmer from Courson, whose sons climbed on all the machines they came across.

New this year: a Lemauviel group stand dedicated to unlicensed cars. “Exam opened an agency in Vire in January,” explains Romain Charron, manager. Many young people came to get information, the clientele is surging. »

Tripe, sausages and fries

With his team, Loïc Dendin, president of the Etouvy festival committee since 2007, has served nearly 400 plates of tripe in the party room. “It’s a very nice edition, it brings the town to life! he congratulates himself. The residents are mobilized, they come with their families, it’s very friendly! » At lunchtime, the grills were saturated. They were forced to go buy potatoes and by the end of the weekend, they didn't have a single sausage left.

The horse, theme of this edition

The fair having been placed under the sign of the horse, visitors were able to admire demonstrations of Norman cobs. “We were selected to participate in the Agricultural Show,” explains Marie Tasteyre, a 21-year-old rider. It was an opportunity for us to practice. » The horses were thus confronted with the crowd and cars, an ideal exercise to prepare for the show.

The pony baptisms offered by the Le Pied à l'Étrier association, in partnership with the Carville equestrian center, were a great success. “We take the time we need, it’s important, because for some children, it’s their first contact with horses,” says Claire-Marie Busnel, president of the Le Pied à l’Etrier association, who made it possible to finance water troughs and saddles for people with reduced mobility.

The baptisms went very well and sparked enthusiasm: several children no longer wanted to come down!

In the aisles. ©The Voice Le Bocage
The visitors came as families.
The visitors came as families. ©The Voice Le Bocage
Martine Colleaux, professional Spitz breeder, came with her 9 dogs to show the breed to the public.
Martine Colleaux, professional Spitz breeder, came with her 9 dogs to show the breed to the public. ©The Voice Le Bocage
Many young people asked for information about unlicensed cars.
Many young people asked for information about unlicensed cars. ©The Voice Le Bocage
A “gastronomic weekend” for these young people from Virois. ©The Voice Le Bocage
A traditional walk. ©The Voice Le Bocage

A lady moved to tears recognizes her father

Serge-Philippe Lecourt

The photographs of Serge Philippe Lecourt, who has been taking photos of the fair since 1979, appealed to visitors. The artist works in film, a technique which offers a particular grain, and mainly produces photographs in black and white. He had selected 300, presented in the form of a slideshow, as well as 15 removed and exhibited.

People look at them with nostalgia, they rediscover their childhood

He shares touching anecdotes: a lady, moved to tears, recognized her father in one of the photos, which he gave her because she had no photo of him. A 70-year-old gentleman recognized his grandfather, who was a farmer in Neuville, as well as his great-grandfather. “The Etouvy fair exists since Charlemagneshe is the oldest Normandieand even according to some! », Says the photographer.

There is no doubt that the tradition will continue, some exhibitors have already registered for next year. The organizers hope that young people will take over.

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