Case of the “Cédric Cornet” video: Jules Frair and Josélita Jacques in Criminal Court for alleged acts of false testimony

Case of the “Cédric Cornet” video: Jules Frair and Josélita Jacques in Criminal Court for alleged acts of false testimony
Case of the “Cédric Cornet” video: Jules Frair and Josélita Jacques in Criminal Court for alleged acts of false testimony

Jules Frair and Josélita Jacques were summoned to appear this morning before the Basse-Terre criminal court to answer for alleged acts of false testimony. The current 2nd deputy mayor of Gosier and the former host of Cédric Cornet’s electoral campaign in 2020 had attested to having viewed a video of a fine game involving the former mayor of Gosier with two minors.

Everyone has heard of it, some claim to have seen it, others maintain that it never existed. Otherwise, it was never made public. This is the video of a fine part in which Cedric Cornet, the former mayor of Gosier, appears in the company of two young girls who are minors.

And it is for having attested to having viewed extracts that Jules Frair and Josélita Jacques were summoned to appear, this morning before the Basse-Terre criminal court, to answer for the alleged acts of false testimony.

The current 2nd deputy mayor of Gosier and the former host of Cedric Cornet’s electoral campaign in 2020, she had notably created the song, had both produced certificates in favor of Eric Dameseau, during his trial in appeal for defamation.

A trial lost by the host of the show the pause without filter as Mr. Freddy Brillon did not fail to point out during his pleading. And the lawyer of the late Cédric Cornet and Edwing Laupen, the latter’s former chief of staff, added “ my clients were victims of a veritable media lynching even though there was never the slightest proof of the existence of this video.”

However, at the helm, the two cities do not budge. “This video exists, I saw it” says Jules Frair. “A 5 to 10 minute extract during which we see Cédric Cornet with what I call two babies” adds Joselita Jacques.

The public prosecutor does not say a word, does not ask any questions and in the end indicates that he is relying on the application of the law.

Master Freddy Brillon demands a conviction and 5,000 euros in fines plus costs.

Maître Freddy Brillon, lawyer of the late Cédric Cornet and Edwing Laupen

©Eric Stimpfling – Guadeloupe the 1st

Master Gladys Démocrite, in defense, she asks for the pure and simple release of these customers.

Maître Gladys Démocrite, defense lawyer

©Eric Stimpfling – Guadeloupe the 1st

The judge reserved his decision until September 6.




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