SENEGAL-URBANISM-MESURE / Maritime public domain (DPM): the ad hoc commission adopts the terms of organization of its work – Senegalese press agency

SENEGAL-URBANISM-MESURE / Maritime public domain (DPM): the ad hoc commission adopts the terms of organization of its work – Senegalese press agency
SENEGAL-URBANISM-MESURE / Maritime public domain (DPM): the ad hoc commission adopts the terms of organization of its work – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, May 31 (APS) – The ad hoc commission responsible for the control and verification of titles and occupations on the old and new dependencies of the Maritime Public Domain (DPM) in the Dakar region adopted during a meeting the principles directors of analysis of the files compiled by the Secretariat and the methods of organizing its work, we learned on Friday.

”The members of the Commission are committed to respecting the deadlines set for the finalization of the work, by giving priority to files presenting specificities,” indicates a press release sent to the APS.

During this meeting, the members of the Commission reviewed the evolution of the normative framework governing the DPM since the independence of Senegal as well as the measures regularly announced by the State to curb occupations in this area, without being followed by concrete actions, reports the press release.

He informs that the commission has taken note of the work carried out to date by the Secretariat, in particular the field visits of the DSCOS as well as the collection and preliminary study, by state services, of the documentation produced by the people concerned by the scope of the above-mentioned order.

The meeting was chaired by the Secretary General of the Government, Ahmadou Al Aminou Lo, in the presence of the Minister of Finance and Budget, Cheikh Diba, and Balla Moussa Fofana, Minister of Urban Planning, Territorial Communities and Land Development. Territory.

The press release specifies that all members of the Commission were present or represented at the meeting, with the exception of the National Assembly.

The Prime Minister created an ad hoc commission responsible for the control and verification of titles and occupations on the dependencies of the maritime public domain (DPM) in the Dakar region.

By the order establishing the said commission, Ousmane Sonko ordered at the same time “the suspension of all constructions and other works on the former dependencies of the maritime public domain [de] the Dakar region, for a period of two months from this day, Monday May 13.

The Director General of Land Use Surveillance and Control is asked to carry out this suspension ”as a precautionary measure”.

The new commission is “responsible for verifying the legality and conformity of the titles issued and [des] occupations carried out in the targeted areas”.

It is placed ”under the chairmanship of the minister, secretary general of the government”, and ”is coordinated by the Minister of Finance and Budget”.

The Minister of Urban Planning, Territorial Communities and Regional Planning provides the secretariat of the commission.

The National Assembly, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, the High Council of Local Authorities, as well as the Ministry of Finance and Budget have representatives within this body.

The ministries of Urban Planning, Territorial Communities and Regional Planning, Environment and Justice are also represented.

The governor of Dakar is a member, as are representatives of the local authorities concerned, and the director general of the National Maritime Affairs Agency.

The Order of Lawyers, the Chamber of Notaries, the Order of Architects, as well as the National Order of Expert Surveyors of Senegal are represented.

”The work of the commission must be sanctioned by a report, which will be submitted [au] President of the Republic”, according to the Prime Minister’s order.




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