Yonne: Icaunais students soon at work for the summer holidays

Yonne: Icaunais students soon at work for the summer holidays
Yonne: Icaunais students soon at work for the summer holidays

A few weeks before the start of summer holidays, Icaunese students are preparing to work. To earn money or to pass the time, the student profiles are very different.

Very different profiles

For two years, Jean, a communications student, goes to Corsica to work in the restorationa sector which is recruiting: “To meet my needs. But I would like to do other activities too, buy things on the side. Me, I tell myself that rest comes later, for the moment I have other priorities“.

Paul is 20 years old, he is a civil engineering student and he spends his days in the library revising. For two years, he has been looking for a summer job but has not found one. : “The others, they manage to find. I don’t know how they do it, but I can’t figure it out. No one answers me. Generally, I manage to work, but not in the summer. It’s a little harder to find because there are more people who want to work“.

Others are taking their first steps into the world of work like Jean, 18 and eight years old, student in marketing techniques: “I’m going to work at the Sens cultural space. It was lucky, the opportunity presented itself and so, I jumped at the chance. Because yes, that’s something in itself that I like. We are in the books. But there are also my parents who asked me to work because it sure creates more opportunities on a CV.“.

Earning your own money, a satisfaction

Louise started in the restoration : “I got a little tired of the service. The schedules, it’s still complicated to finish very late, not to have your weekends. Even when you’re young, it’s complicated“. But the young woman keeps one great memory : “I had a really good team of waiters, I was able to speak to a lot of foreigners so there were more other languages ​​as they also had a lot of other nationalities, a few other customs. In fact, we see directly“.

It was his parents who pushed him to take a summer job : “My father knew the owner of the restaurant and he supported my candidacy a little. My parents knew very well that they could not provide for me as a student alone knowing that I have brothers and sisters.“.

Earning your own money is satisfying for the student : “To tell yourself in the morning that you get up or that at the end of the month, you have a salary for what you deserve, and that you didn’t do this for nothing. You get up from having spent your day working straight away, you say that you are useful for something and it’s yes, it’s glorifying“. This year, to make things easier, Louise signed up for a temporary employment agency. A way for her to find work more easily.



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