Eleven health specialists, including one located in Haute-, warn about the state of psychiatry in

Eleven health specialists, including one located in Haute-, warn about the state of psychiatry in
Eleven health specialists, including one located in Haute-Vienne, warn about the state of psychiatry in France

Alert the government to the worrying situation of psychiatric services in . This is the objective of eleven presidents of supervisory boards of hospital establishments who recently wrote a letter intended for the Minister of Health, reports The Popular of the Center.

The signatories, including Gulsen Yildirim, president of the supervisory board of the hospital center (Haute-), believe that access to psychiatric care is increasingly complicated. “Tensions on medical and paramedical staff are leading to numerous closures of beds, CMPs and day hospitals”according to them.

An increasingly limited supply and aging doctors

At the same time, mental health disorders are affecting more and more young people while the supply of child psychiatry is decreasing. “In Limoges, we are lucky to have the Maison des adolescents supported by Esquirol”confides Gulsen Yildirim. But all the sick can no longer be cared for because the medical-psychological centers are closing one after the other.

The authors of the letter therefore request a meeting with Geneviève Darrieussecq, Minister of Health to find out the government's objectives. They recall that Prime Minister Michel Barnier recently declared psychiatry as “great national cause” in the country.




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