Lot-et-Garonne: victim of burn-out, Nadia testifies and takes care of others

Lot-et-Garonne: victim of burn-out, Nadia testifies and takes care of others
Lot-et-Garonne: victim of burn-out, Nadia testifies and takes care of others


Marie-Pierre Caris

Published on

May 26, 2024 at 7:49 p.m.

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In Marmande, Nadia Cathala is the local relay for the L’Burn association, the community of Burn’ettes created in Bordeaux and which extends throughout the region. Its goal ? Listen to women who are victims of burn-out, this total exhaustion that prevents them from doing anything, like working, or even moving.

And if Nadia is now a volunteer in this associationis that she experienced this situation herself: she agreed to testify.

“We had to move forward, whatever the cost”

An accounting secretary by trade, Nadia remembers precisely the day when everything changed. “It was August 18, 2020: I had the paralyzed legs “.

Nadia was a hyper active woman, both in her professional life and in her family.

But a month before, the doctor stopped me because I was very tired, I had headaches, I suffered from anxiety. I had a lack of sleep and trouble concentrating. There were problems at work, so we were asked for more and more. This month of August 2020, I found myself holding three positions all alone: ​​yes, management listened to me, but they did nothing.

Nadia Cathala

Nadia also explains “having called for help several times. The first signs had appeared years before, but I didn’t listen to myself. We had to move forward, whatever the cost. Even my husband had alerted me, but I didn’t listen to him either. I used to say all the time that bills couldn’t be paid with potatoes.”

But on August 18, 2020, the body gave up. “From that day on, I slept during two months. I was lucky to have been supported by my husband, my parents, I was able to take the time to recharge my batteries.”

Immediately, Nadia was put on sick leave for depression, “except that I wasn’t depressed”.

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I wanted to do things, but I felt empty, I couldn’t put one foot in front of the other. Wanting to do things and not being able to do them is very hard.

Nadia Cathala

“It changed my life”

This is when she understands that she is experiencing burnout. “Now the word is still taboo, especially in rural areas. I searched the internet to find help, to listen. That’s how I found the L’Burn association, in Bordeaux. There are workshops for, in particular, take care of yourself… That’s where I learned to take charge of myself with lots of workshops and activities that I wanted to carry out here, in Marmande, at Quai 31. What also helped me was the follow-up with occupational psychologists.

At 44, with two children, Nadia has to stop working: “With burnout, the brain goes into a loop about what happened to us. We ask ourselves: what am I going to do? What will I become ? “. Following this burn-out, Nadia triggers a fibromyalgia, “I am therefore on disability. But I’ve been able to recharge my batteries and get things done, even though there are days I just can’t get up. I also have problems concentrating. Yes it changed my life. I managed everything, I also had to learn to delegate, especially at home, and that’s when you feel guilty. But I am lucky to have a husband who understood everything.”

Nadia experienced the different stages of burnout, “including the period of denial”.

We think it can only happen to other people, and then we isolate ourselves socially, because we no longer have the desire or the energy to see our friends. You also need to learn to listen to your body.

Nadia Cathala

But Nadia wants to move forward, and above all, to help others, within the association, which still helps her today.

Welcomed to Sainte-Bazeille

“I joined the association’s listening center: there are a few of us who answer telephone calls from women from all over France.”

But Nadia went further, becoming local representative for the Lot-et-Garonne department, holding a monthly office in Agen for several months, and very recently, another in Sainte-Bazeille. “Here, there are many women who don’t dare talk about it. We need to open up a space to speak. And I hope to eventually be able to offer workshops, or even organize conferences. Because there is also the prevention side to work on, by raising awareness among companies.”

Next service Monday May 27, 2024 at the Maison pour tous in Sainte-Bazeille from 2 p.m. Contact : [email protected]

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