This town in Val-d’Oise carries out several ecological actions

This town in Val-d’Oise carries out several ecological actions
This town in Val-d’Oise carries out several ecological actions


Raphaël Delaveaux

Published on

May 26, 2024 at 8:40 a.m.

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The City of Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt (Val-d’Oise) is carrying out various actions to promote biodiversity in an urban environment.

Among them, the revegetation recent construction of several tree stands, as well as the installation of nesting boxes for birds, with environmental concerns in mind.


Concerning the revegetation of tree bases, this concerns rue Albert-Camus and rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau.

Beyond beautifying the living environment, this improves the quality and porosity of the soil, thus increasing the infiltration capacity of rainwater. This also makes it possible to create spaces more favorable to biodiversity, such as soil fauna or pollinators.

Town of Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt

Weed growth will be limited, in particular by mulching.

“Consequently, the workload of the green spaces department will be reduced.”

Nicknamed by children the tree of loversthe century-old plane tree which sits at the back of the courtyard of the Jules-Ferry school was saved in 2022.

Its roots, seeking water, damaged the bitumen.

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The question of tearing it down was therefore raised by the town hall.

The City ultimately created a large pit around the tree in order to de-waterproof the surface and planted several plants.

“The roots thus directly recover the waters rainwater and this prevents, at the same time, these from fetching water from the sanitation networks,” underlines the City of Saint-Brice.


Julien Fritsch, carpenter, and his colleague Frédéric Ricci, “are not a little proud of their achievements”.

They made 15 nest boxes, which are installed in the parks Georges-Brassens and Marie-Dominique-Pfarr.

The goal ? Help birds to breed, notably great tits and blue tits.

These two species of tits are called cave-dwelling, that is to say they do not build a classic nest in the branches of a tree, but use cavities to settle in and arrange their nest: tree hole , artificial cavity, hole in a bank, etc.

However, natural cavities are becoming considerably rarer in urban environments.

“The City wants to install nest boxes for this reason,” explains the municipality.

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